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Why you should have a pet?

Why you should have a pet?

There are many health benefits of owning a pet. They can increase opportunities to exercise, get outside, and socialize. Regular walking or playing with pets can decrease blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and triglyceride levels. Pets can help manage loneliness and depression by giving us companionship.

Do you have a pet is your pet MIS chievous tell the class about it?

Answer: Toto was a mischievous monkey. He kept disturbing all other animals in grandfather’s private zoo….Free Resources.

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Do you have a pet ielts?

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Yes definitely! I’m an animal lover, in fact, I have different kinds of pets at home. I have two rabbits, two parrots, a poodle dog, and a Siamese cat. I don’t know but I have had a soft spot for animals ever since I was a child.

What is the attraction of having a pet in your opinion?

As we know, our physical health and mental health are closely intertwined. Pets offer unconditional love that can be lifesaving for many people, and they can often also provide a sense of purpose, which is especially important for those feeling lost. The companionship of pets can also be a true mood-booster.

Why dogs make good pets?

Dog owners generally have a stronger immune system, helping them to stay well and spend less time getting over sickness and bugs. Dogs provide us with a sense of emotional wellbeing thanks to the unconditional love they give, which is why they’re also great company and comfort for people who live alone.

Why does the author say Toto was not?

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The author said that Toto was not the sort of pet they could keep for long because he was very mischievous and kept destroying things at home. He would tear things to pieces. He would make every effort to tear a hole in the narrator’s aunt’s dresses.

How did Toto prove to other animals?

Answer: Toto’s presence was kept in secret from the grandmother. Every time grandfather would bring a new bird or animal to include in his private zoo, the grandmother would become fuss.

Why do people have pets speaking?

Well, there are a number of reasons, but I think the most important one is having a pet is like having a comforting companion. They can help relieve stress and cheer people up when they are upset or tired. That is why many people treat pets, such as cats or dogs, as a member of the family. 14.

Do animals speak?

Although animals do not possess the ability to speak words, they can communicate in much the same way as humans do. Although animals do not have words, they communicate using other methods, such as gestures, movements, vocal calls and their sense of smell. In short, most of their communication is non-verbal.

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Should we keep pets essay?

Keeping pets is both a pleasure and a task. Once one gets lured to keep pets, one cannot give up one’s liking for them, so much so that pets — dogs and cats once kept, they become a part of the family, a part of life, and one cannot give them up. It is a love that lasts.

What can you have as a pet?

Here are some pets that are perfect for your child.

  • Dogs. The default choice of pet for every household across the world, dogs, are adored by most.
  • Cats. Cats are adorable, and can easily blend in well with the rest of the family.
  • Birds.
  • Fish.
  • Hamsters.
  • Ants.
  • Guinea Pigs.
  • Mice.