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Will glue damage a planer?

Will glue damage a planer?

Is it true that glue will hurt planer blades if a glued-up board is run through? Andy Rae: Nope. Carol Reed: Enough glue squeeze-out can nick sharp edges, so it is better to scrape the squeeze off before planing.

Will dried glue hurt a planer blades?

Dried glue can indeed damage planer knives, so removal before planing is important.

Can you plane wood that has been painted?

Yes, the paint dulled the blades; no, it didn’t ruin them. I just had to sharpen them when I was done. One way to make planing painted wood safer is to give it the once-over with a metal detector designed for checking lumber.

How long does wood glue take to dry before planning?

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Most Wood glues only need clamps on them for about 30 minutes to 1 hour. After that point, you can do some light sanding, as long as you do not subject the joints to stress. The glue has not cured fully at that point, so the joint does not have full strength. It will reach full strength in about 24 hours.

How long should wood glue dry before?

Most glues need 30 minutes to 1 hour of clamping, and after that, some light sanding is okay, so long as it does not present stress to glue joints. But, curing takes much longer, usually 24 hours, for the joints to reach full strength. At the least, allow the glue to dry before running the wood through a planer.

Will a planer take off paint?

You’re unlikely to notice any particular dulling effect from running painted surfaces through your planer. Some paints are made from harder pigments but they’re not common in indoor paints these days.

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Does a planer remove paint?

I know a lot of people switch to an old set of knives to clean off paint, but I’ve also thought about dedicating a cheap, old lunchbox planer to paint and dirt removal. If you have a lot of reclaimed lumber to process, using an old set of knives or a dedicated planer will certainly get the job done quick.

Can you sand off wood glue?

Smears can’t typically be removed with a chisel, because the glue gets into the pores of the wood. Glue smears are common, and the only real solution is to sand them off. But before sanding, it’s sometimes possible to remove a smear by softening it with acetone.

How long after gluing wood can you sand it?