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Will Minecraft bedrock ever get the combat update?

Will Minecraft bedrock ever get the combat update?

Bedrock edition 1.17 is a major update revamping The End and combat. Java edition is also receiving a similar update.

Why is bedrock combat different?

As for why bedrock doesn’t have the same combat style, since the weapon swing now have cooldowns, it’s quite impossible for mobile and console players to time something like this, because it’s inconvenient. Therefore Microsoft had to standardise this playing style for the Bedrocks edition.

Why does Java Minecraft run worse than bedrock?

First is virtualization: Java can run on any platform with a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), but every piece of code is ever-so-slightly slowed by the JVM turning compiled Java bytecode into native instructions, while the C++ version (Bedrock) is already compiled native instructions, but runs only on the platform for which …

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Is Bedrock edition worse than Java?

Due to the Bedrock Edition Engine being designed to be played on PC, mobile, and console, it’s generally a more forgiving platform and performs much better on lower-end hardware than Java Edition does. To combat a lot of these performance issues, Bedrock Edition has split up the rendering and ticking of chunks.

Will Java combat come to bedrock?

Combat changes Changes to Java Edition’s combat system is planned for Bedrock as well.

Does bedrock have hit cooldown?

On Bedrock edition, there is no hit cooldown like there is on Java 1.9+ so you can spam swing.

Can I get Bedrock if I have Java?

So, if you buy Java, you’ll get Bedrock, and vice versa. Bedrock is the version on the Microsoft Store as well as consoles and mobile, and supports cross-platform multiplayer between them.

Which came first Java or Bedrock?

“Minecraft: Java Edition” is the original version of the game, and is great for installing mods and playing on big multiplayer servers. Meanwhile, “Minecraft: Bedrock Edition” is great if you want to play with friends on different systems.

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Do axes do more damage than swords bedrock?

In Bedrock, there is no cooldown timer and swords do more damage than axes. For this reason alone, axes are useless for combat if you have a sword. Plus, every time you use an axe for combat, it loses 2 points of durability compared to the 1 point of durability that a sword loses.