
Are 357 MAG and 357 Sig interchangeable?

Are 357 MAG and 357 Sig interchangeable?

357 Magnum vs. 357 SIG: These two calibers sound similar and while the performance can be about the same, they have very different uses. 357 magnum is a classic revolver round, while the other is a modern semiautomatic cartridge.

What’s the difference between a 357 Magnum and a 357 Sig?

The Sig is a necked . 40 case with a 9mm bullet. 357 magnum is a much more powerful cartridge, the auto version is a short necked down version about half the size. The mag is about 60 feet per second faster.

What gun can shoot a 357 Sig?

Even the largest-framed revolver can hold only eight rounds of . 357 Mag., but a standard size semi-automatic like a Glock 31 can double that to 16 rounds (15+1). SIG Sauer, Glock, Heckler & Koch, Steyr, Springfield Armory and Smith & Wesson are major manufacturers who have produced guns in this caliber.

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Does Sig Sauer make a 357 magnum?

357 Sig is a proprietary cartridge developed by Sig Sauer, the ginormous gun company. The round was developed with one goal in mind: Push a 125-grain 9mm projectile to the same velocity – or so close that it makes no difference – as a 125-grain . 357 Magnum projectile, when either was fired from a 4-inch barrel.

What’s the difference between 9mm and 357 Sig?

“Compared to a 9mm, the . 357 Sig has a decreased magazine capacity, more recoil, as well as greater muzzle blast and flash, yet at best it offers no gain in bullet penetration and expansion characteristics.

Is the .357 SIG as powerful as the .357 Magnum?

While .357 Magnum starts to outstrip the .357 SIG in terms of raw energy with anything bigger than a 125gr projectile , the .357 SIG still does a great job of replicating the ballistics, particularly the very flat trajectory, of its design inspiration.

What is the best defense cartridge 357 Mag?

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Federal Ammunition 158 Grain JHP

  • Buffalo Bore Tactical Short Barrel 158 Grain JHP
  • Federal American Eagle Cartridge 158 Grain JSP
  • Fiocchi 142 Grain FMJ-TC
  • Speer Gold Dot Short Barrel 135 Grain JHP
  • Hornady Critical Defense 125 Grain FTX
  • Barnes 140 Grain VOR-TX JHP
  • Federal Premium Power-Shok 158 Grain JHP
  • Hornady American Gunner 125 Grain JHP XTP
  • Is a 357 Magnum a type of gun or bullet?

    The .357 is not just a handgun round. Several rifles and carbines are chambered for it. A .357 Magnum long-gun brings this cartridge into a whole other realm. The longer barrel boosts the bullet’s velocity by a substantial amount over the shorter barrels found on handguns.

    Is a 357 Mag a 38 caliber?

    The.357 Magnum is simple a.38 Special cartridge that has been lengthened by 1/8 of an inch. Even with the deluge of semi-automatic pistols in recent decades, the.357 Magnum (and.38 Special) remain among the most shot handgun calibers. A fact of which ammo makers are conscious.