
Are energy levels in quantum mechanics continuous?

Are energy levels in quantum mechanics continuous?

The permitted energies are discrete, not continuous. When an electron transitions between stable states, light is emitted. Only certain frequencies of light are seen, because the transitions are between these discrete energy levels. I guess it means that the energy comes in little packets called ‘quanta’.

How do we know that the energy levels of the hydrogen atom are not continuous?

The hydrogen atom emits energy only at particular fixed wavelengths, this suggests that the energy levels in the hydrogen atom are discrete. Because if the energy levels are continuous, then the hydrogen atom should emit energy at all possible wavelengths.

Why energy is not continuous?

A most important difference between the new and the old physics is the recognition that energy is not continuous. photons whereas blue or ultraviolet radiation is comprised of photons of higher energy. If the radiation is of too low a frequency, each photon has insufficient energy to dislodge electrons from the metal.

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What is energy at the quantum level?

One of the allowed values of the internal energy of an isolated physical system. The term energy level usually refers to one of the allowed values in the discrete set. …

What is continuous energy?

“Continuous Energy spectra” in nuclear chemistry typically refers to the fact that kinetic energy of electrons (or positrons) released in beta decays can take any value from a specific range of energies.

What is the energy level of hydrogen?

If it is in the second energy level, it must have -3.4 eV of energy. An electron in a hydrogen atom cannot have -9 eV, -8 eV or any other value in between….Exercise 3.

Energy Level Energy
1 -54.4 eV
2 -13.6 eV
3 -6.04 eV
4 -3.4 eV

What is the equation for the energy levels of the hydrogen atom?


Value of the Atomic Radius r(n)=n2×r(1)
Energy of an atom in the nth level of the hydrogen atom E(n)=−1n2×13.6eV
The value of the energy emitted for a specific transition is given by the equation hv=ΔE=(1n2low−1n2high)13.6eV
The formula for defining energy level E=E0n2
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What is the meaning of continuous in physics?

In that context, a “continuous mass” is one that is being approximated as a continuum. The term “discrete mass” literally would mean a discrete chunk of mass (where the chunk is assumed to be a continuum), but might be used to refer to a single atom or molecule.