
Are Force-sensitives rare?

Are Force-sensitives rare?

The result of this calculation is that 68 people per 1 million, or 0.0068\% of the population, are Force sensitive. Rounding a little, this is 1 in 15000 people.

What makes Force sensitive?

A Force-sensitive, also known as a Forceful, was a being who was highly attuned to the flow of the Force. Force-sensitives could, with training, learn to sense and manipulate the Force. A midi-chlorian count through special testing could determine how strong one was in the Force.

How would you describe the Force in Star Wars?

The Force is a mysterious energy field created by life that binds the galaxy together. Harnessing the power of the Force gives the Jedi, the Sith, and others sensitive to this spiritual energy extraordinary abilities, such as levitating objects, tricking minds, and seeing things before they happen.

Are there a Force users not Jedi or Sith?

Maz Kanata (Sequel Trilogy) and The Bendu (Rebels) are other force users in modern Star Wars that are neither Jedi or Sith. Maz Kanata seems to be a light-side force user and the Bendu attempts to not take sides (much like DJ in TLJ).

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Who is the most Force sensitive?

14 Of The Most Overpowered Force Users In Star Wars Canon, Ranked

  1. 1 The Father.
  2. 2 The Force Priestesses.
  3. 3 The Daughter.
  4. 4 The Son.
  5. 5 Bendu.
  6. 6 Darth Sidious.
  7. 7 The Rey Skywalker/Ben Solo Dyad.
  8. 8 Anakin Skywalker.

How many people in Star Wars are Force sensitive?

There is somewhere near 100 quadrillion sentient life forms (a quadrillion being a million billions). In the galaxy, there is a 20:1 ratio for Force sensitives possibly (with only 5 million Force users).

Does the force really exist?

It doesn’t exist exactly the way it’s portrayed in Star Wars, but the force is very real. Because at its most basic, when you take away the Jedi’s and lightsabers and special effects, the force is ultimately the ability to use our minds to effect the world around us.

Why is Anakin Force Sensitive?

Harnessing the power of the Force gave those sensitive to the spiritual energy extraordinary abilities. Anakin Skywalker, the Chosen One born of a mother but no father, had more midi-chlorians than any Force-sensitive of his era, surpassing all Jedi and even Yoda at over twenty-thousand.