
Are jurors required to answer questions?

Are jurors required to answer questions?

Once you have checked in and are seated in the courtroom there will be a brief announcement by the Jury Clerk. The judge will take the bench and explain what the case is about and introduce the lawyers and parties to you. All prospective jurors will be required to agree to truthfully answer all questions asked.

What are 2 things a juror should never do?

(1) Tell the person it is improper for a juror to discuss the case or receive any information except in the courtroom. (2) Refuse to listen if the outsider persists. (3) Report the incident at once to the judge. Jurors have the duty to report to the judge any improper behavior by any juror.

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Can you remain silent in jury duty?

When you choose to ask one-sided questions, the silent or “hiding” juror has an opportunity to remain silent by just not participating. Asking a question that addresses both or multiple sides of an issue will force participation by all jurors, including the silent ones.

What a juror should not do?

X Don’t lose your temper, try to bully or refuse to listen to the opinions of other jurors. X Don’t draw straws, flip coins or otherwise arrive at your verdict by chance, or the decision will be illegal.

What happens if a juror lies on questionnaire?

Someone might recommend that you claim on your questionnaire that you oppose the jury system, lie about your life circumstances, or make false statements about your employment or current residence. Making false statements in a jury questionnaire actually can be the basis for a charge of perjury, a felony crime.

Can jurors take notes during trial?

Jurors are allowed to take notes when they are in court. The instruction goes on to say that at the conclusion of the trial, all juror notes will be destroyed. The judge will also give a caution that if you take notes, do not get so involved in note-taking that you become distracted from the proceeding.

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How do you answer the question to avoid jury duty?

9 Ways To Get Out Of Jury Duty

  1. Be an “expert” on the case at hand.
  2. Tell the judge you’re not in a very good place in your life.
  3. Dig into your personal life for connections to the case.
  4. Mention your mental illness or other “sensitivities.”
  5. Be a rebel.
  6. Have a crappy attitude.

Why would a jury be dismissed?

Section 53A requires the mandatory discharge of a juror if they were mistakenly or irregularly empanelled, have become excluded from jury service, or have engaged in misconduct relating to the trial (s 53A(1)).