
Are PhD programs competitive?

Are PhD programs competitive?

Keep in mind: most PhD programs are extremely competitive, and admissions can seem downright capricious. That’s the inevitable result of admitting only a handful of applicants each year.

Does PhD program ranking matter?

A PhD from a highly ranked school doesn’t automatically guarantee a higher starting salary after graduation, or that you will suddenly be put at the top of the pile of interviewees for a tenure-track position.

Which companies hire the most PhDs?

Google hires the most PhDs, followed by Intel Corporation, and Apple.

Do university rankings matter when it comes to PhD study?

What’s more, the quality and potential of your actual PhD research will matter at least as much as the reputation of your university. So, when it comes to PhD study, it’s important to take rankings with a pinch of salt. That’s what the following explanation will provide. Making sense of metrics – what do rankings actually measure?

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Do you earn more with a PhD than a Bachelor’s?

PhD graduates do at least earn more than those with a bachelor’s degree. A study in the Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management by Bernard Casey shows that British men with a bachelor’s degree earn 14\% more than those who could have gone to university but chose not to. The earnings premium for a PhD is 26\%.

How can I find out more about PhD programmes available?

By selecting a university you can use our listings to see exactly what kinds of PhD projects and programmes it currently has available. The information in this table is based on the 2021 university rankings published by Times Higher Education, QS and the Academic Ranking of World Universities.

What are the pros and cons of having more PhD students?

With more PhD students they can do more research, and in some countries more teaching, with less money. A graduate assistant at Yale might earn $20,000 a year for nine months of teaching.