
Are there Samoan gods?

Are there Samoan gods?

Samoan culture tells stories of many different deities. There were deities of the forest, the seas, rain, harvest, villages, and war. There were two types of deities, atua, who had non-human origins, and aitu, who were of human origin. Tagaloa was a supreme god who made the islands and the people.

What is the name of the Samoan warrior goddess?

Nafanua, Samoa’s warrior goddess hails from the village of Falealupo at the western end of Savai’i island, which is also the site of the entry into Pulotu, the spirit world. She also is regarded as a peace bringer, having brought peace to Savai’i through winning the wars between the two regions of the island.

What is a Telesa in Samoa?

one of the most well known is Telesa the aiku goddess of Lepea in Upolu. In Samoa, your hair, flowing, waving and weaving, becomes alive with magic in the moonlight…. Beware the power of your hair and beware the flaunting of it, lest the fury of the Teine Sa is invoked.

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Who is the most powerful Samoan God?

god Tangaloa
Most Polynesian myths retain the god Tangaloa, but in different manners. In Western Polynesia, Tangaloa retains his omnipotence, but in the rest of Polynesia he is merely the god of the ocean.

What is a Taupou?

Definition of taupou : a ceremonial hostess selected by a high chief of a Samoan village from the young girls of his household, elevated to a high rank, and charged with the formal reception and entertainment of visitors.

What is Teine SA?

Teine Sā are the ancient spirit women, with the ability to bless and curse in equal measure. From the notorious goddess Telesa to the Hiama of the Solomon Islands, these tales of the unexpected take age-old stories on many twists and turns.

Why do Samoans cover there mirrors?

In Samoa, they cover their mirrors at night time. Every mirror in the house. Some believe the devil looks into your soul every night after dark. My grandmother used to say if you didn’t then woke up and looked in the mirror in the middle of the night, you’d actually see a shadow over the top of your reflection.

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Who is Tumatauenga?

Tūmatauenga, the main Māori god of war, is one of the sons of Ranginui (sky father) and Papatūānuku (earth mother). In tradition, Tūmatauenga sought to solve conflict by warfare and was the deity of humans.