
Can a charged object exert force on an uncharged object?

Can a charged object exert force on an uncharged object?

The electric force is a non-contact force. Any charged object can exert this force upon other objects – both charged and uncharged objects.

What is the force exerted by a charged body on another charged or uncharged body?

The force exerted by a charged body on another charged or uncharged body is known as gravitational force.

What happens when a charged body touches an uncharged body?

When a charged body is brought near to an uncharged body, it induces an opposite charge on it. Since unlike charges attract each other, the two bodies are attracted to each other.

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Can a charged body attract an uncharged body explain?

Yes, a charged body can attract another uncharged body. When the charged body is placed near the uncharged body, the induced charges of opposite kind are produced on the uncharged body by the charged body. Now, they are oppositely charged and the uncharged body is attracted by charged body.

How is a charged object different than an uncharged object?

Charged objects have an imbalance of charge – either more negative electrons than positive protons or vice versa. And neutral objects have a balance of charge – equal numbers of protons and electrons. Their presence (or absence) will have no direct bearing upon whether an object is charged or uncharged.

Can a charged object exert a force on an insulator?

As a result, when a charged insulator (such as a positively charged glass rod) is brought close to the conductor, the (total) charge on the insulator exerts an electric force on the conduction electrons.

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Which type of the force is exerted by an electrostatic charge?

electrostatic force
The force is exerted by electrostatic charge or electrically charged object is called electrostatic force.

What is the force exerted by a charged object?

The force exerted by an electrostatic charge or an electrically charged object is known as electrostatic force.An electrically charged object can exert an electrostatic force on another body, be it a charged body and an uncharged body.

What is an uncharged body?

An uncharged body is a ‘neutral’ body that has an equal number of protons and electrons.

When charged and uncharged bodies are brought close to other charged and uncharged bodies what happens when they touch?

If a positively charged body is brought near to a neutral or uncharged body, it induces a negative charge on the near side and a positive charge on the far side of the neutral object. This creates a force of attraction between the two bodies.

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Can a charge body attract a neutral body?

The answer is YES. Charged particles indeed attract uncharged ones. As such, the closer end of the uncharged body now experiences lack of electrons, which is a characteristic of positive charge. Hence, the ends of the two bodies develop opposite charges and mutual attraction occurs.

Why does a charged object attract an uncharged object give reasons?

When we put a charged object near an uncharged object, it produces opposite charges in the near end of the uncharged object by electric induction. If we bring it near an uncharged sphere, the sphere forms negative charge near the glass rod, and positive charged on the end away from glass rod.