
Can a grown child of a Veteran get benefits?

Can a grown child of a Veteran get benefits?

Sometimes, adult children who are full-time students also can receive health care through the VA. All other benefits are reserved for disabled adult children. Those disabled adults who are fully dependent on their parents for care can continue to access Tricare or other benefits as if they were still under age 18.

Can Agent Orange be passed to a child?

There is currently no definitive evidence that a father’s exposure to Agent Orange exposure causes birth defects. However, an analysis of Agent Orange registry data from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) suggests a link between males’ exposure to Agent Orange and having children with certain birth defects.

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Can my son use my VA benefits?

As the spouse or dependent child of a Veteran or service member, you may qualify for certain benefits, like health care, life insurance, or money to help pay for school or training. If you’re caring for a Veteran, you may also be eligible for support to help you better care for the Veteran—and for yourself.

Can I receive VA benefits from my father?

Veterans benefits are available to family members of the veteran when they are dependents of living veterans or surviving family members of deceased veterans.

What benefits do veteran children get?

According to VA, veterans’ dependent children may qualify for certain benefits such as health care, life insurance, or money to help pay for education and/or vocational training.

Can a child of a veteran qualify for a VA loan?

While children of veterans are not eligible for a VA loan, surviving spouses may be eligible if they fall into one of the VA’s three basic areas of consideration. When it comes to VA home loan eligibility, most rules and requirements revolve around those who serve, and rightly so.

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Can Agent Orange affect children of veterans?

The children of Vietnam veterans and occasionally even their grandchildren have also dealt with significant health problems from Agent Orange exposure as well. Birth defects such as neural tube defects are the most common effects of Agent Orange in the second generation exposed to Agent Orange.

Can I get a VA loan if my dad was a veteran?

Unless they remarry after the age of 57. However, disabled adult dependents of veterans are not eligible to use a VA loan. Therefore children, cousins, parents or siblings can not use the VA loan either.

Can my parents get military benefits?

While military parents’ benefits are available, the Tricare coverage rules for those in the parent category are a little different than for other secondary dependents. That means your parent will still need to pay for another health care plan, or be fined for not having one.

What is a veteran for kids?

Anyone who has served in a war is considered to be a veteran. It is possible that you might know a veteran or have at least one living in your own neighborhood. Perhaps there is someone who served in the Navy during World War II or served in the Army during the Vietnam War.

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How do I add a child to my VA benefits?

How to add a dependent to your VA disability benefits

  1. Download VA Form 21-674 (PDF)
  2. You’ll need to fill out and submit a Statement of Dependency of Parent(s) (VA Form 21P-509) by mail. Download VA Form 21P-509 (PDF)
  3. You can work with an accredited Veterans Service Officer (VSO).