
Can a gun use different bullets?

Can a gun use different bullets?

Such examples are 9mm Luger; . 458 Win mag in the . 458 Lott; Smith & Wesson Model 48 and 22 Magnum; and Glock 20 and 10mm Auto. These are just a few of the examples of multi-caliber guns/interchangeable bullet calibers.

Why are no two guns the same?

When a gun is fired, small imperfections inside the barrel leave a unique pattern of marks on the bullet. Two bullets fired from the same gun will bear identical individual characteristics. In those days, pistols and muskets had “smoothbore” barrels, which left no rifling marks.

Can you shoot with two guns?

If you fire two guns simultaneously with both eyes open, you’re not aiming either one of them well. So the best you can do is close your left eye, aim down the barrel with your right eye, and shoot the gun in your right hand; close your right eye, aim and shoot on the left.

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Is match ammo more accurate?

The basic definition of match grade ammo is “ammunition suitable for a competitive match.” Generally speaking, match ammunition is designed to be more consistent and accurate than cheaper general-use ammo. Ammo makers achieve this consistency through tight tolerances and strict quality control.

Why do you need to store ammo and guns separately?

The truth is many firearm owners are accused of illegal storage at the hunting camp, vehicle, and home. The reason for this is that the regulations on storage, transportation, and display differ. So to find out why you need to store your ammo and gun separately we need to look at the regulations.

Why can’t you buy the ammo you want?

Here are the seven main reasons you can’t buy the ammunition you want. 1. Everyone was caught off guard. It’s not just manufacturers; producers of raw materials, like brass, copper, and lead, have not been able to meet demand either.

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What happens if you leave your ammo and gun lying around?

Imagine leaving your ammo and gun lying around! The law can charge you for careless storage of the pistol if someone happens to get hurt. The truth is many firearm owners are accused of illegal storage at the hunting camp, vehicle, and home. The reason for this is that the regulations on storage, transportation, and display differ.

Why don’t guns make new guns for odd-ball cartridges?

Because virtually no one makes new guns for odd-ball cartridges, ammo makers know almost exactly how much of that stuff they’ll sell, based on past sales. So, they load these less-popular cartridges just once or twice a year. And that’s it.