
Can a heat exchanger be used as a condenser?

Can a heat exchanger be used as a condenser?

In addition to heating up or cooling down fluids in just a single phase, heat exchangers can be used either to heat a liquid to evaporate (or boil) it or used as condensers to cool a vapor and condense it to a liquid.

What is the purpose of the heat exchanger?

Heat exchangers are used to transfer heat from one medium to another. These media may be a gas, liquid, or a combination of both. The media may be separated by a solid wall to prevent mixing or may be in direct contact.

What is a condensing heat exchanger?

The condensing tank is a constant pressure heat exchanger on the high pressure side of the apparatus in which the high temperature, high pressure freon gas gives up heat to the cooling water and condenses to the liquid phase.

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Is evaporator and condenser are heat exchanger?

Condensers and evaporators are basically heat exchangers in which the refrigerant undergoes a phase change. In evaporators, the liquid refrigerant evaporates by extracting heat from an external fluid (low temperature heat source).

What type of heat exchanger is a condenser?

In systems involving heat transfer, a condenser is a heat exchanger used to condense a gaseous substance into a liquid state through cooling. Condensers are used in air conditioning, industrial chemical processes such as distillation, steam power plants and other heat-exchange systems.

What does a condenser do in HVAC?

Role of AC Condenser in An HVAC System: The AC condenser is responsible for carrying out the condensation process. The heat-laden refrigerant passes through coils in the condenser unit. It gets cools down and condenses into liquid form through a blowing fan.

What is condenser and how it works?

A condenser is designed to transfer heat from a working fluid (e.g. water in a steam power plant) to a secondary fluid or the surrounding air. The condenser relies on the efficient heat transfer that occurs during phase changes, in this case during the condensation of a vapor into a liquid.