
Can a hydrocele grow back?

Can a hydrocele grow back?

In a recent study of 29 men in their early 50s, aspiration and sclerotherapy corrected the hydrocele in 84 percent of cases. But the hydrocele may come back within months, requiring another round of aspiration and sclerotherapy. Surgery is the most long-lasting repair, with a much lower hydrocele recurrence rate .

What happens after hydrocele surgery?

After your surgery, you may feel more tired than usual and have some mild groin pain for several days. Your groin and scrotum may be swollen or bruised. This usually gets better in 2 to 3 weeks. You will probably be able to go back to work or school 4 to 7 days after surgery.

How long does it take for a swollen testicle to go down after surgery?

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Your scrotum will be swollen after surgery. This is normal. The swelling usually goes down within 2 to 4 weeks. You should be able to do most of your normal activities after 1 to 2 weeks, except for those that require a lot of effort.

Is hydrocele surgery permanent?

Hydrocele can only be cured through relatively simple surgery (hydrocelectomy), which can relieve all of these problems and return a man to a full and active life, restoring family relationships. The surgery permanently blocks the accumulation of fluid in the testicles, without affecting the man’s fertility in any way.

How can I reduce my hydrocele size?

How can I reduce my hydrocele size? If your hydrocele has grown and is making it difficult to perform routine activities, you should consider hydrocele surgery, also known as a hydrocelectomy. A hydrocelectomy is safe and is usually done in less than an hour.

Does hydrocele affect sperm?

A hydrocele typically isn’t dangerous and usually doesn’t affect fertility. But a hydrocele might be associated with an underlying testicular condition that can cause serious complications, including: Infection or tumor. Either might reduce sperm production or function.

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Does hydrocele affect sperm count?

Can you live with a hydrocele?

In adults, hydroceles typically go away within six months, according to the Mayo Clinic. A hydrocele usually only needs surgery if it causes discomfort or if it’s a communicating hydrocele, which can lead to hernias.

How large can a hydrocele get?

Giant hydrocele has been defined as a hydrocele having more than 1,000ml of contents1. Clinically, this is difficult to diagnose except by way of investigation such as ultrasound scan or surgery.

Will swollen testicle go away?

A mild swollen testicle after an injury is common and often goes away after a few days. However, large, or sudden swelling should be immediately treated, as it may point to a more serious underlying condition.

Will a hydrocele get bigger?

This kind of hydrocele gets bigger and smaller. Size changes are caused by fluid flowing through a tube from the abdomen into the scrotum. This occurs when the tube does not close as it should. The hydrocele may grow larger when you are active.

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How can I cure hydrocele without surgery?

If surgery cannot be performed for any reason Treatment of Hydrocele without Surgery, then the other viable option is needle aspiration. The fluid is drained out with the help of a needle. Then, a hardening drug may be injected to stop the re accumulation of fluid.

How to reduce testicular swelling after hernia surgery?

It is very important to maintain adequate hydration after any surgery. Having 8-12 glasses of water daily can help to flush out the extra medications and toxins in the body. Extra fluid intake also triggers the body’s mechanism of getting rid of surplus fluid which manifests as swelling.

What to expect after a hydrocelectomy?

You will no longer have an opening between the scrotum and your stomach,which will stop the fluid buildup in the scrotum.

  • A mild pain in the groin area is usually experienced after a hydrocelectomy.
  • In addition to the pain,the groin and the scrotum may swell or become bruised.