
Can a permanent resident travel to Australia from overseas?

Can a permanent resident travel to Australia from overseas?

Overseas travel as a permanent resident As an Australian permanent resident, you do not have an automatic right to return to Australia from overseas. Your right of re-entry to Australia will depend on the validity of your travel facility on your permanent visa.

What happens if you have a permanent visa but not in Australia?

If you hold a permanent visa, but you are not residing in Australia, your eligibility for the above may be impacted. Contact the relevant government departments or authorities to confirm your rights and obligations. Unlike Australian citizens, a permanent resident generally cannot: have an Australian passport

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Who is an immediate family of an Australian citizen?

Immediate family of Australian citizens or permanent residents or New Zealand citizens usually resident in Australia

What is the difference between an Australian citizen and a permanent resident?

Unlike Australian citizens, a permanent resident generally cannot: have an Australian passport; vote in Australian Government elections unless you enrolled (as a British subject) before 26 January 1984; access student loans; join the Australian Defence Force; obtain ongoing work in the Australian Government

What happens if you are not eligible to return to Australia?

If you are not eligible for either of the above and wish to return to Australia as a permanent resident, you may have to apply again for a permanent visa, such as a Former Resident visa, a family visa or a skilled visa. You can check when your travel facility ends in VEVO.

What happens if you return to Australia without a permanent visa?

Returning to Australia without a permanent visa that has a valid travel facility (for example, entering Australia on an ETA or visitor visa) may impact both your: ability to satisfy the permanent residence requirements when applying for Australian citizenship or when applying for another Resident Return visa.

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Are there any restrictions on travel to Australia right now?

Travel restrictions and exemptions. Australia’s borders are currently closed and international travel from Australia remains strictly controlled to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. International travel from Australia is only available if you are exempt or you have been granted an individual exemption.