
Can active duty military salute in civilian clothes?

Can active duty military salute in civilian clothes?

When in uniform indoors, stand at attention, face the flag and remain silent, but you don’t salute. However, if the participants are primarily civilians or in civilian clothes, you may recite the Pledge of Allegiance if you wish.

Do I salute an officer in civilian clothes?

If you are in civilian clothing and the officer is in uniform, you do not salute. You may greet them by rank. If the officer is in civilian clothing and you are in uniform and recognize them as an officer, it is proper to render a salute.

Who can salute in civilian clothes?

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Civilians and military members in civilian clothes should place their right hand over their heart, while military members in uniform should render a salute throughout the ceremony. Vehicles in motion should stop. Men’s and Women’s Physical Fitness Gear. 11.

What are the rules for saluting?

Specifically, a proper salute goes as follows: Raise the right hand sharply, fingers and thumb extended and joined, palm facing down, and place the tip of the right forefinger on the rim of the visor, slightly to the right of the eye.

Can anyone salute the flag?

Saluting the flag is a gesture reserved for the military. While civilians can salute soldiers, many veterans consider it inappropriate or awkward.

Can You salute the flag in civilian clothes?

Believe it or not, the clothing you wear affects how to properly salute the flag. Civilians should place their right hands over their hearts, except when wearing athletic clothing, in which case they should remove their hats and stand at attention. No hand salute is necessary.

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Is it OK for a civilian to salute a soldier?

In the United States, a civilian does not render the hand salute used by uniformed military personnel. The President of the United States is the Commander-in-Chief of the US military, and not a civilian.

Can veterans salute the flag in civilian clothes?

Officially, combat veterans, active-duty personnel, and retirees can only salute the flag while in uniform. The new rule, or lack thereof, allowing salutes in civilian attire has some vets concerned that soon everyone, civilians especially, is going to think they can throw down a military salute.

What are the rules for saluting in the military?

When talking to an officer, stand at attention until ordered otherwise. When you’re dismissed or when the officer departs, come to attention and salute. When speaking to or being addressed by a noncommissioned officer of superior rank, stand at parade rest until ordered otherwise.