
Can agarwood grow in the United States?

Can agarwood grow in the United States?

Never mind the United States supply, pure agarwood oil (and sometimes even the wood) cannot even be found in the great markets of Bangkok and Bombay. Most oud is diluted before it leaves the producing region. The average oud available in the US will have changed hands at least 10 times.

How many years does it take to grow agarwood?

Since agarwood formation in natural environment is a very long process which can take up to 10 years, the development of effective induction technology has received a great attention as it is extremely crucial to ensure the stability of agarwood yield from the domesticated Aquilaria trees.

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How many agarwood trees can I plant per acre?

Agarwood plants per acre – Approximately 700 to 900 plants per acre can be planted with a distance of 2.5 m x 2.5 m and 2 m x 2 m.

Is it legal to grow agarwood?

“Harvest is illegal only if it is from the wild. Major chunk of agarwood comes from private plantations.

Which country has the best agarwood?

Agarwood (Oud) is founded inside Aquilaria trees. Aquilaria is a family consisting of 25 species, only 19 of which can produce Agarwood (Oud). According to Professor Gishi Honda (Tokyo University – Japan), Aquilaria Crassna in Vietnam produces the best Agarwood (Oud) of the world.

Where can I get agarwood?

Lapnisan or agarwood is a non-timber type of wood that is used for its sap or resin, which is used in the perfume and scents industry. The tree is very rare and is found in the deepest parts of the jungles of Southeast Asia, including the Philippines.

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How much does agarwood cost?

First-grade agarwood can cost as much as $100,000 per kilogram. Why is it so expensive? First-grade agarwood can cost as much as $100,000 per kilogram. In order for the aquilaria tree to produce any agarwood, it must first become infected.

What is the best variety of agarwood?

malaccensis and A. crassna are the best-known species that produce agarwood. Aquilaria is derived from the Latin word aquila meaning eagle. Trees of other genera, namely, Gonystylus and Gyrinops, also produce agarwood but are not recognized for production at commercial scales.

Is growing agarwood profitable?

Approximately 20 species of Aquilaria produce Agarwood. The average yield from single tree is approximately 4kgs. The current price is 50,000.00 to 2,00,000 lakhs. The yield from one Agarwood tree is 1,00,000 approximately.

Who will buy agarwood?

Search Importers and Buyers List in India

  • SAFA EXPORTS. Importer of India. Malaysia aquilaria malaccensis (agarwood) chips cites permit no. 17sg008387 pr valid upto 16/11/217 & phy.crt.
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Which country produce best agarwood?

According to Professor Gishi Honda (Tokyo University – Japan), Aquilaria Crassna in Vietnam produces the best Agarwood (Oud) of the world. Aquilaria Crassna is fully grown in Indochina countries, including Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia.

Can you invest in agarwood?

Your investment will directly cause the plantation of new trees! Because it is an affordable investment! Agarwood is the ideal investment opportunity in everybody’s reach. Returns are usually paid out after 7 years and right now, average returns are 157\% over these 7 years.