
Can agricultural land be used for other purposes?

Can agricultural land be used for other purposes?

Under the provisions of the law in India, fertile agricultural land could only be used for agricultural purposes and nothing else. To use it for a purpose other than that i.e. residential, commercial or industrial use, the owner has to seek an approval from the authorities concerned and change the “land use”.

Can agri land be mortgaged?

Normally, no agricultural land can be mortgaged for raising loan for other than agricultural activities. Approval of loan depends on the terms of banks, Most banks refuse to grant loan on agriculture land, as the recovery proceeding against the agriculture land cannot be proceeded in case of default.

Can we do business on agricultural land?

Yes, everything is possible – no restrictions whatsoever. I understand that there is a rule wherein only the Agriculturist / Farmer/ his family can buy an agricultural property? Section 80 of the Act prohibits Non-Agriculturists to purchase the Land.

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What can you do with agricultural land?

10 Farm Structures That Can Be Built on Agricultural Land

  • Barns. When you picture a barn on agricultural land, you are probably thinking of the large traditional red barn most commonly associated with a farm.
  • Poultry Coops.
  • Loafing Sheds.
  • Silos.
  • Equipment Storage.
  • Hay & Feed Storage.
  • Cold Storages.
  • Riding Arenas.

Can you change agricultural land to residential?

Agricultural buildings are permitted to change to a residential (Use Class C3) use. This can also include specified building operations reasonably necessary for the conversion to function as a dwellinghouse: the installation or replacement of: windows, doors, roofs, or exterior walls, or.

Can agricultural land be mortgaged in Maharashtra?

Mortgages are quite common in India. For instance, in Maharashtra, transfer (the term includes mortgage) of agricultural land cannot be done other than for specific purposes which include a transfer for the purposes of agriculture/cultivation and/or educational and charitable purposes only.

Can I live in a mobile home on agricultural land?

Residential Mobile Homes on Agricultural Land with an Agricultural Tie. In some cases you can try for a temporary agricultural workers dwelling on agricultural land for a period of time, often 3 years. You will need to contact the Council and put in an application for a temporary dwelling.