
Can Dr Strange go to the Quantum Realm?

Can Dr Strange go to the Quantum Realm?

The Doctor Strange movie included a so-called “Magical Mystery Tour” in which Doctor Strange’s astral form was cast through countless dimensions. He even visited the Quantum Realm, proving that the Masters of the Mystic Arts have at least a basic familiarity with this mysterious plane of existence.

Did Scott Lang survive because he was in the Quantum Realm?

In the post-credits of last year’s Ant-Man and the Wasp, Scott Lang found himself trapped in the Quantum Realm after his friends on the other side fell victim to Thanos’ infamous finger-snap.

What did Scott Lang see in the Quantum Realm?

In 2018, Scott Lang received an apparent message from Janet van Dyne in the form of a shared memory of her daughter, which allowed Hank Pym and Hope van Dyne to confirm their suspicions about Janet being alive.

How long did it feel like Ant-Man was in the Quantum Realm?

Ant-Man was simply fortunate that the 5 years he was trapped felt like a relatively short sentence from his perspective. Ant-Man’s five hours in the Quantum Realm is a useful story mechanic for Avengers: Endgame.

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Can Dr Strange still control time?

In truth the Infinity Stone known as the Time Stone, the Eye possesses the incalculable ability to control time itself. With it, Strange can alter time around objects, locations or other beings, moving forward and backward through their existence.

How did ant-man get trapped in the Quantum Realm?

Black Widow final trailer (Marvel Studios) Ant-Man was left trapped in the Quantum Realm when Janet, Hank and Hope van Dyne were erased by the snap. There he remained for five years, until a kindly rat activated the Quantum Tunnel again.

How big did Ant-Man get in Ant-Man and the Wasp?

In Civil War, his suit has been upgraded to be much more powerful, allowing him to do much more than shrink to insect-size, as seen in his own movie. The movie reveals that Ant-Man can actually grow 60 feet tall too, into a super-strong hero appropriately called Giant Man.

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How old was Cassie before the snap?

Cassie Lang was 10 years old in Antman and the Wasp. At the end of that movie in an extra scene during the credits, Scott got stuck in the quantum realm because Hope, Hank, and Jannett got dusted by the snap.