
Can Hakka sod Patra cancel?

Can Hakka sod Patra cancel?

You can issue the notice to them whoes favor you make a hakka sod patra and cancelled your hakkasod patra by way of that document destroy it and also given an application to the ragisterar office where you ragistered that hakka sod Patra. A relinquishment deed cannot be revoked.

What does relinquishment deed mean?

Meaning of Relinquishment Deed Relinquishment deed is a legal document/instrument where a legal heir gives up or releases his legal rights in an inherited parental property for another legal heir such as his mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, etc.

Is relinquishment deed valid?

Should a relinquishment deed be registered? Section 17 (1) b of the Registration Act, 1908, provides that an instrument, using which a right is either created or transferred with respect to an immovable property, must be registered. Hence, a relinquishment deed must be registered, to give it legal validity.

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What is Hakka sod Patra?

A Hakka Sod Patra (or Haq Sod Patra) is relinquishment deed specific to the region of Maharashtra wherein a person legally or formally gives up or releases his legal rights of the said property being relinquished in the name of some other person.

What is the cost of relinquishment deed?

For a Relinquishment deed, stamp duty is 6\% in the case of men and 4\% in the case of women. The stamp duty should be paid through Collector of Stamps/SDM. Registration fee of a Relinquishment Deed is 1\% of the total value of Deed along with Rs. 100/- pasting charges.

Is relinquishment deed mandatory?

Relinquishment deed is an essential legal document that is mandatory to get registered at the concerned sub-registrar office under “Section 17 of the Registration Act, 1908”. An heir can transfer or release his constitutional right of the inherited property through the Relinquishment deed (legal document).

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What is stamp duty on relinquishment deed?

Can a release deed be revoked?

If the release deed was not executed by a registered document then you can revoke it without having to cancel the same. However if it was executed by a registered document then the beneficiary also has to sign the cancellation deed along with the person who executed the registered release deed.

What is a Hakka sod Patra?

A Hakka Sod Patra (or Haq Sod Patra) is relinquishment deed specific to the region of Maharashtra wherein a person legally or formally gives up or releases his legal rights of the said property being relinquished in the name of some other person. This is one of the modes of transferring rights of an immovable property.

What is relinquishment deed and how to make it?

By way of relinquishing, a property owner gives away his interest and authority over the asset. To make the process legal, a relinquishment deed is made. In various parts of Maharashtra, the Hakka Sod Patra ensures the same. How to get Hakka Sod Patra made?

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How many hissas are there in Hakka soda?

As per the Hakka soda my hissa is 5 guntta plus other hakka sod in my name is 25 guntta total 30 guntta. and the hissa of remaining is 5 guntta each.and who is the authorised person will give order to indicate the hissas on 7/12 pl.advice.