
Can Housing society cutting water supply to its member?

Can Housing society cutting water supply to its member?

The Association has no right to discontinue water supply as it is an essential service. In case they do so you have legal remedy for the service to be reinstated. You may have to pay the dues . You can still insist that the Association be registered.

What can society do if maintenance is not paid?

If a resident has not paid his maintenance due till the decided due date, you may give a written notification of 12 days extra to make the payment, and then a grace period of 3 days. If still not paid, discuss with the Management Committee and send a notice to the defaulter.

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Can RWA disconnect water supply?

The RWA can issue a lawyer’s notice to the defaulters and even follow it up (if required) by filing a suit for recovery against them in the court, but under no circumstances it can disconnect the electricity and water supply.

Can Housing society cut electricity?

Water Electricity and Access to premises is something no Housing Society can disconnect for any member even if they have dues pending or some internal politics. They come under essential rights of residents and legally for denying them one can get society committee even arrested consulting a lawyer and filing FIR.

Can builder stop water supply?

The builder cannot disconnect the basic amenity services namely water supply electricity supply for any reasons, if at all he has any claim towards the arrears of maintenance amount he may have to follow the due process of law and not by indulging in such illegal activities.

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How do you deal with society defaulters?

3) Under the section 101, Society chairman and secretary can take action against the defaulter and has rights to sign all the requried documents which they need to submit to society registrar who will issue the recovery certificate. 4) After the submission of all the papers from society to registrar.

What are the legal rights of RWA?

The powers of the Governing Body are to be exercised in a responsible manner without fear or favor. The RWA while exercising its powers cannot infringe upon the Right to Free Speech or Right to Privacy of residents, whether they are members of the RWA or not. It cannot interfere with the ownership rights of residents.

Can society charge interest on maintenance?

Interest can be charged upto a max of 21\% per annum on outstanding amount, provided the society has intimated the due date and the penalty interest rate to be applied in its maintenance bill. Payments made must be adjusted against outstanding amount while computing interest.

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What happens if you don’t pay apartment maintenance?

Hi, Society has to make bye laws stating that all the apartment owners are liable to pay the maintenance charges to association. If the owner of the apartment fail to pay the amount then you can file a suit for recovery money for not paid the maintenance amount.