
Can I apply for ITIN without passport?

Can I apply for ITIN without passport?

IRS streamlined the number of documents the agency accepts as proof of identity and foreign status to obtain an ITIN. Below is the list of the only acceptable documents: Passport (stand-alone document) * National identification card (must show photo, name, current address, date of birth, and expiration date)

Can we apply ITIN without a tax return?

If you’re attempting to make an ITIN application without a federal tax return, it’s important to provide proof to support your claim for an exemption. You’ll find a detailed list of exemption criteria and acceptable evidence in the official W-7 form instructions from the IRS.

Does IRS accept notarized documents?

These documents will be accepted. A notarized document is one that the taxpayer provides to a public notary who bears witness to the signing of the official document and affixes a seal assuring that the document is legitimate. These documents will not be accepted for ITIN applications.

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How does one apply for an ITIN?

  1. Applicants must fill out a W-7 application form and submit it to the IRS along with a completed tax return.
  2. Applicants are required to submit original documents verifying identity and “foreign status.” The IRS has issued a list of 13 documents that will be accepted for this purpose.

Who can certify documents for ITIN?

IRS Taxpayer Assistance Centers
Yes, Primary, secondary, and dependent persons may submit W-7 applications in person (with original documents) at designated IRS Taxpayer Assistance Centers (TAC). Designated Taxpayer Assistance Centers will certify only original and copies certified by the issuing agency passports and National ID cards.

How quickly can you get an ITIN?

8 to 10 weeks
However, because most ITIN applications must be filed with tax returns, they are typically filed during peak processing times. As a result, it can take 8 to 10 weeks to receive an ITIN. Any original documents or certified copies submitted in support of an ITIN application will be returned within 65 days.

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How do you get a certified document from the IRS?

If you prefer to receive a full photocopy of your tax return, there is no online option for making the request. Instead, fill out and mail IRS Form 4506 to receive a copy in the mail. There is a fee for this service.

How can an illegal immigrant get an ITIN?

To obtain an ITIN you’ll need to file the appropriate paperwork.

  1. Complete a W-7 application.
  2. Submit it to the IRS along with a completed tax return.
  3. Once the application has been approved, you’ll be mailed an ITIN.