
Can I download PUBG without app Store?

Can I download PUBG without app Store?

Steps to download PUBG Mobile without Play Store: Players must open the Download folder in File Manager on their devices. They should locate the downloaded PUBG Mobile APK file. Users can then open it and hit the install button.

How do I get PUBG Mobile files?

Next, your friend needs to go to Files > Android > data (folder) from within the file-sharing app and select the whole folder with the name “com. tencent. ig” to your phone. After you have received all the three files/folders on your phone, tap on the PUBG Mobile APK file to install it.

How do I download PUBG nowadays?

Option 1 for downloading PUBG:

  1. Download a VPN and change your designated region from India to any place else (preferably a country where the game is not banned).
  2. Go to PUBG Mobile’s website and download the APK Link. Please note that the game’s file is 624 MB.
  3. Download and install the file.
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Is there any way to download PUBG?

Downloading PUBG on iOS and Android is now finally a dead simple task. Quite simply, iOS users just need to follow this link to PUBG on the App Store from their phones to get downloading. Likewise, to download PUBG on Android, head to PUBG on the Google Play store on your phone and get downloading!

How do I download PUBG from the App Store?

Install PUBG on Android

  1. Download and install the TapTap App Store on your Android device from here.
  2. Next up, open the TapTap App Store and search for “PUBG”. Alternatively, you can visit the direct links below:
  3. And that’s it. Once you’ve downloaded the game, simply log in with your QQ ID, and you’re good to go.

Where is the OBB file on Android?

You need to make use of your laptop.

  1. OBB file has been downloaded in Zip file.
  2. Copy the folder stored with “DATA” and move it to, External storage (SD Card) → Android → Data.
  3. If it’s an OBB file, move it to, External storage (SD Card) → Android → OBB.
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