
Can I eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich after tonsillectomy?

Can I eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich after tonsillectomy?

You may also use sherbet, ice cream, Popsicles, Carnation Instant Breakfast, Ensure, and Boost etc. soup, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, cheese sandwiches, mashed potatoes, soft vegetables, pasta etc. Activity should be limited as rest is important.

What not to eat after getting tonsils removed?

Foods and drinks to avoid are:

  • Orange and grapefruit juice and other drinks that contain a lot of acid.
  • Hot and spicy foods.
  • Rough foods like raw crunchy vegetables and cold cereal.
  • Dairy products that are high in fat. They may increase mucus and make it hard to swallow.

What are the best foods to eat after tonsillectomy?

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Stick to soft, easy-to-swallow foods, such as applesauce, custard, yogurt, creamy breakfast cereals (oatmeal, Malt-o-Meal), pudding, soup, cottage cheese, mashed potatoes, refried beans, and pureed fruits. Most people stick to a soft diet for a day or two after surgery.

What can adults eat after tonsillectomy?

Food and drink: Eat popsicles and drink cool liquids often, such as water, apple or grape juice, and soft drinks. Do not drink orange juice or grapefruit juice. Citrus may hurt your throat. You may eat soft, plain foods such as gelatin, applesauce, ice cream, and mashed potatoes if your stomach is not upset.

Can I eat mac and cheese after tonsillectomy?

The first 24 hours after surgery you should eat ice cream, popsicles and foods high in protein, such as macaroni and cheese. It is wise to avoid red colored foods and drinks because it may mask post operative bleeding.

When can I eat normal after tonsillectomy?

Do not worry about nutrition or calories during the first 2 weeks. Solid foods are not as important to take as are liquids but if you feel up to it you can begin a soft diet immediately after surgery. Stay away from foods which are sour, salty, sharp or hot since this may cause pain and discomfort.

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When can I eat normal food after tonsillectomy?

How can I speed up my tonsillectomy recovery?

Chewing sugarless gum may help speed recovery after surgery. Significant rest is imperative for at least the first 48 hours after a tonsillectomy, and all normal activities should be limited. Activity can then increase slowly and gradually.

Is Soup Good after tonsillectomy?

Soups are a great way to get your energy levels up and pack in some nutrients while you’re at it. A great place to start is a light chicken broth, with any large chunkThe first couple of days after surgery are especially important to avoid chewing, as this could scratch your scabs and cause bleeding.

Can you eat candy after tonsillectomy?

potatoes, tuna or chicken salad, macaroni and cheese, soups). Children over four years of age may suck, not chew, lollipops or hard candies. are no strict rules for activity after surgery other than to avoid contact sports or heavy exertion for about two weeks.

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Can I eat pizza after a tonsillectomy?

Your child should not eat hard foods, such as toast or pizza crust, for two weeks after the operation. These foods may scratch their throat and cause pain and bleeding.