
Can I get into college with an SAT score of 1200?

Can I get into college with an SAT score of 1200?

A 1200 is an above average score that places you in approximately the 74th percentile of all high school students taking the exam. A score of 1200 makes it possible to apply to the vast majority of schools throughout the nation and be competitive for admission at a sizable number of colleges.

Is 1200 SAT score bad?

A score of 1200 at the SAT is a reasonably good score above the present national average at the 76th percentile and can make you a strong applicant at several universities, but it’s going to fall below the average score for accepted students at more selective colleges.

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Is 1300 a bad SAT score?

Is a 1300 a good SAT score? The average composite SAT score is 1059, and the highest possible score is 1600, putting 1300 above average and competitive. A 1300 SAT score allows you to apply competitively to a large number of schools, making it an objectively good score for most students.

Is a 4.67 GPA good?

At most high schools, this means that the highest GPA you can get is a 5.0. A 4.5 GPA indicates that you’re in very good shape for college. You’re most likely in high level classes earning As and high Bs. 99.74\% of schools have an average GPA below a 4.5.

Is a 1250 a good SAT score 2020?

A 1250 SAT score is generally considered a good score — it makes you an eligible and competitive candidate at a majority of schools. In addition, a 1250 is on the borderline for acceptance at a number of selective schools.

Is a 1200 a good SAT score to get into college?

The colleges are ranked by their position on our best colleges ranking and thus represent the better schools you may be able to get into and those which have historically accepted a 1200. Is a 1200 on the SAT a good score? Yes, a 1200 is quite good.

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Is the SAT useful to colleges?

The SAT is useful to colleges, especially very selective ones, because it distinguishes the 90th percent from the 99th percent. Also, class grades and SAT scores are equally good at resolving the performance of middle-of-the-pack students. When you go from an SAT score of 680 to a 1110—just a range of 430—you’re going from a straight D to an A.

What percentage is a 1000 on the SAT equivalent to?

Suppose you received a 1000 on the current SAT. You’d want to find this row: Under Numerical Class Grade, 88.7 means that this SAT score is like getting a class score of 88.7\% (or round to 89\%) at the end of the year. Imagine getting a 88.7 in history, English, or math.

What SAT score do I need to get into a college?

In order for you to have the best shot of getting in, you want to get your SAT score to match your high GPA and get a score that is at or above the 75th percentile for the school you are applying to. What Do Colleges Think of Your High GPA/Low SAT Score?