
Can I link bank account to Paytm with different mobile number?

Can I link bank account to Paytm with different mobile number?

Select your bank that has the same mobile number registered as Paytm. If your bank account is linked to another number, then Paytm will ask you to either replace the number registered with Paytm with the other phone number that is linked to your bank account or login once again with the bank registered number.

How can I add money to my Paytm account without logging in?

How to add money to Paytm wallet?

  1. Select the ‘Add Money’ icon on your homescreen.
  2. Choose to add money via Credit/Debit card, Net Banking or UPI.
  3. Enter the amount you want to add and tap on ‘Add Money’
  4. You will be redirected to a secure payment page where you need to provide payment details.
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How can I add Paytm cash to my bank account without debit card?

  1. Open the Paytm App & Tap on. ‘Bank Transfer’ Icon.
  2. Link your bank account with Paytm. Choose the bank with registered mobile number as your Paytm Number.
  3. Account link Successful.
  4. Enter the Details of the A/C Holder.
  5. Fill in the Amount to Be Transferred.
  6. A ‘Transaction Successful’ Message Will Reflect on the Screen.

How can I change my paytm number if I lost my old number?

Read on to know more.

  1. Scenario 1: I have access to old phone number & new phone number is not yet registered on Paytm.
  2. Step 1: Login to Paytm with your old phone number.
  3. Step 2: On the home screen, click on “☰” at the top left corner.
  4. Step 3: Click on profile (where you see your name)
  5. Step 4: Click on ‘Update Phone Number’

Can I use paytm without phone number?

Paytm on Wednesday announced a new feature that will allow anyone to make payments using a Paytm wallet without Internet or smartphone. However, you will have the option to use Paytm without Internet or smartphone to make payments on a day to day basis. All you require is working phone – even if it is a feature phone.

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Can I use Paytm without card or debit card?

If you do not have any saved credit or debit card, you can choose to save a card for faster payment next time. Once you enter details on your bank’s page & complete the transaction, you will be redirected to Paytm with money added in your Paytm wallet.