
Can I live in New Zealand with a British passport?

Can I live in New Zealand with a British passport?

A UK citizen and/or passport holder (you can stay up to six months), or. A citizen of a country which has a visa waiver agreement(opens in new window) with New Zealand (you can stay up to three months).

Can I retire to New Zealand from UK?

For those wishing to retire to New Zealand on a permanent basis, there are two possible ways to secure a visa to New Zealand. Both options require applicants to be ‘of good health and character’, to invest funds in the country and to prove they have sufficient funds to support themselves.

Where do Maori live in New Zealand?

Most Maori tend to live in the North Island (86\%), with almost a quarter living in Auckland. More than 10\% of the population in Waikato, Bay of Plenty and Wellington are also Maori, so living or working in these areas will mean experiencing Maori culture more regularly than other parts of the county.

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What did the British give to the Maori in 1840?

In 1840, the British signed a treaty with 540 Maori chiefs: the Treaty of Waitangi. This gave the British sovereignty over New Zealand. In exchange, the Maori kept the right to buy and sell land, and had the rights and privileges of British citizens.

Do all Maori people speak English?

Pretty much everyone speaks it. Maori is usually only spoken in local Iwi (Maori tribes, though they aren’t stereotypical tribes, just groups of people) but they still speak English or at special events like the rugby World Cup where the prime minster read an entire speech in Maori and then English.

Are Maori descended from Austronesians?

Over the expanse of several hundred years the Maori settled on the islands and developed a distinct culture. Anthropologists believe that all Polynesians are in fact descended from a single south Pacific culture created by Austronesians who had migrated from south-eastern Asia.