
Can I mix two plants in the same pot?

Can I mix two plants in the same pot?

Absolutely, multiple houseplants can be planted in one container. Think about it. In the garden, we regularly combine different plants together. Houseplants in one container should share the same growing conditions.

Does Hoya like to be pot bound?

Hoyas don’t mind being a bit root bound. All Hoyas need to be potted in planters with drainage. These plants are very sensitive to too much water, so be sure to use a well draining soil with plenty of pumice and/or perlite.

Can two plants be the same?

Yes, you can grow two plants in one container. In fact, there is no limit to growing multiple plants together in a pot. Technically, you can plant as many plants as you like in a single pot. Even though you want to plant many plants in your container, you should probably think twice before doing so.

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What plants can you put together in a pot?

Mix in perennials, trees, shrubs, houseplants, vegetables, and herbs. Use whatever strikes your fancy as a container. If it doesn’t have drainage holes, plant in plastic pots and place the pots inside the container. Include garden art in your containers or groupings.

How do you group indoor plants together?

The Rule of Three. A common rule of thumb for styling a space is to avoid even-numbered groupings as paired items tend to look a touch formal. A classic combination is a group of three, but so long as you keep the number of plants in each grouping an odd number they should look great.

What is the best potting mix for hoyas?

Potting soil with good air circulation is very important for Hoya. To create a perfect blend mix equal parts of Espoma’s organic Cactus Mix, Orchid Mix, and Perlite. Hoya like to be pot-bound or crowded in their pots. They will only need to be repotted every two or three years.

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What is the best potting mix for Hoya plants?

Hoyas are highly adaptable and will thrive provided the mix is porous but still able to retain moisture. A basic recipe would be: 30\% coarse coconut coir, 40\% potting mix and 30\% perlite. Alternatively, many hoya collectors happily use Scotts Osmocote Orchid Mix.

What is the best potting mix for Hoyas?

What kind of pots do Hoyas like?

You can successfully grow hoya in terra cotta pots, plastic or glazed ceramics, provided the pot contains bottom drainage holes. Pots that don’t drain create soil that remains wet and the Hoya carnosa will rot. Select a clean pot or hanging basket that is 1 to 2 inches larger than the present one.

What plants grow well together in containers?

10 Vegetables That Grow Together In Containers

  • Basil and Tomatoes. Basil and Tomatoes are one of the most perfect pairs for companion planting.
  • Broccoli and Onion.
  • Carrot and Onion.
  • Pepper and basil.
  • Carrot and beans.
  • Lettuce and garlic.
  • Leeks and onion.
  • Cucumber and Radish.
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How many plants should you put in a pot?

Traditional planting is when you allow enough room between plants that the planter looks full after 2 to 3 weeks of additional growth. Generally I would use 3 or maybe 4 plants in 10 or 12-inch planters, 4 to 6 plants in a 14 to 16-inch planter and Six to 8 plants in an 16 to 20-inch planter and so on.