
Can I mow my lawn with a weed wacker?

Can I mow my lawn with a weed wacker?

Lawn mowers come with built in levelers and height adjustments to make grass cutting a no-brainer, but for small patches of grass or when a mower is unavailable, you can cut grass just as well with a weed whacker.

How much damage can a weed wacker do?

A weed wacker can cut you, but not in the way you expect. The lines of a weed wacker move very fast and disperse harmful materials that can damage your eyes. Additionally, the lines can cut leg and knee tissue. Therefore, it is important to learn the safety precautions for using this appliance.

Do Weed Wackers spread weeds?

Yes that is true. But weed whackers (string/line trimmers) are not tools to get rid of weeds, only cut them back, no more than any lawnmower. If you want to get rid of weeds, you’ll need to pull, dig, spray, etc. Trimmer are mostly meant to knock things down to make things look nice or clear paths.

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What is the point of weed whacking?

This article has been viewed 299,103 times. Weed whacking is an integral component of yard maintenance, especially in the spring and summer. A weed whacker, also known as a weed eater or trimmer, uses a spinning wire to cut overgrown grass and brush in a small area.

How far can a weed eater throw a rock?

Make sure you clear your working area of any wire, metal objects, fence posts or other objects that could be thrown by the line trimmer. Weed trimmers can throw objects up to 50 feet. Keep yourself safe by doing a sweep for any objects that could be thrown before starting your job.

Can you use a gas weed eater in the rain?

Can a Weed Eater Get Rained On? The best answer to this question is yes, your weed eater can get rained on and still work but it’s not designed to be exposed to moisture. As a rule, it is best to wait until the weather is clear before operating your weed eater.

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How thick can a weed wacker cut?

String Trimmer Line Thickness String trimmer line comes in a range of thicknesses. For light work, such as trimming grass, 0.065″-0.085″ should be sufficient. For thicker grass and weeds, a line in the 0.085″-0.110″ range will get the job done, and for thicker underbrush, anything thicker than 0.110″ will work.

What kind of weed wacker do landscapers use?

For landscaping professionals looking for a gas or electric-powered alternative, the Makita weed eater kit is an optimal choice, while homeowners on a budget needing an all-around trimmer will like the lightweight and versatility of the WORX weed eater.

How long should weed wacker line be?

If you are not sure what size line your trimmer uses, check online—the manufacturer’s website often has instructions, and if not the customer service department should be able to help you. The length to which the line should be cut also varies, from around 10′ to 25′.