
Can I still use Lynda without LinkedIn?

Can I still use Lynda without LinkedIn?

Yes. A LinkedIn account is required to access Learning content.

Do students get Lynda for free?

All students, faculty, and staff have free access to, an online subscription library that teaches the latest software tools and skills through high-quality instructional videos taught by recognized industry experts.

Do you get certificates from Lynda?

Can I obtain Certificates of Completion for completed courses? Yes. When you complete a course by watching every video in the course, you can print the certificate from the Certificates of Completion page.

How can I get a Lynda account for free?

The only two ways you can get a lynda account for free is if your local library has an account that they let other people use, or if someone lets you use theirs. Other than that their’s no other way.

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Is there a free version of Lynda on LinkedIn?

Typically, there are several days of free introduction use for those who have never had a account. However (and this is new, but not necessarily universal) premium account users are being offered 30-day, and perhaps longer, free access to

How can public libraries access Lynda for free?

The best news: LinkedIn Learning is now offering public libraries a licensing arrangement that allows library members to access for free through the library’s website. Supporting your local library in purchasing such a license (they can be expensive) can be a great investment in both your community and your business.

What is Lynda com?

“LYNDA.COM IS AN AMERICAN ONLINE EDUCATION COMPANY OFFERING VIDEO COURSES TAUGHT BY INDUSTRY EXPERTS IN SOFTWARE, CREATIVE, AND BUSINESS SKILLS. “ It was founded in 1995 by Lynda Weinman. Members have unlimited access to watch the primarily educational videos.