
Can I take my NFA items across state lines?

Can I take my NFA items across state lines?

You cannot just take your SBR across state lines, you will need approval from the ATF first. Using the A Application to Transport NFA Firearms form you can request a duration of travel for up to one years time, which essentially equates to you being able to transport the firearm multiple times to the location.

How long does it take to get a second suppressor?

But purchasing a silencer requires the applicant to mail or Fax a photo and fingerprints to the ATF and to pay a $200 tax. The approval process for most guns takes about 20 minutes, but for a silencer it can take nine or 10 months. To offset the tax, another silencer seller, Advanced Armament Corp.

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Why are NFA wait times so long?

ATF Form 4 Wait Times At the time of this writing, individual Form 4’s are transferring a couple of months faster than for trusts. This is likely due to the internal division of labor in the ATF and the fact that most NFA items transfer on trusts.

Do you have to notify ATF if you move?

The good news is that if you are moving in-state then there is no legal requirement that you notify the ATF of your new address. In summary … you have no legal duty to notify the ATF of an in-state change of address. If you wish to do so, you should use a Form 5320.20.

Can you fly with NFA items?

So … to summarize … you must have an approved Form 20 before you transport any of your NFA items (excepting suppressors and AOWs) across state lines. In addition, it remains your responsibility to verify that the particular NFA items you are transporting are legal in the state you are traveling to.

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What if I move while waiting for suppressor?

Per the ATF they state that you cannot change your address and that your application should be canceled with them and recommend reapplying with your updated address in the state that you are moving to.