
Can I transfer from DU regular to SOL?

Can I transfer from DU regular to SOL?

However, to enroll from SOL to a regular DU college or from regular college to SOL college, a student must have a no-objection certificate signed from both the institutes. Furthermore, Choice Based Credit System is applicable in both the institutes.

How can SOL students migrate to regular college?

An SOL student scoring 60\% and above in the final first-year examination will get a chance to migrate to a regular college. Ramesh Bhardwaj, the officer on special duty, SOL, told TOI, “Earlier, many students who didn’t score well in their Class XII exam and had taken admission in SOL could migrate to any DU college.

How can I get du Sol degree?

Steps to download DU digital degree?

  1. Visit the official website:
  3. Enter your personal details including Type (SOL/NON-SOL), Enrolment number, Examination roll number.
  4. Click on verify details.
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Is a Sol degree from distancedu worth it?

DU sol degree only fulfills eligibility criteria.. Definitely sol degree is valuable, its equivalent to regular degree and you will get equal opportunity all sector whether it’s private or govt sector. It’s degree is acceptable all over india, only thing is matter how much you will do hard work for your dream.

What is the difference between regular colleges and Sol colleges?

In regular colleges you only could get admission through cutoff, where as any one could get admission in SOL. Regular colleges have 5-6 days classes a week, where as SOL provide only one or two PCP classes a week which is not compulsory to attend. Regular colleges have semester wise exam while SOL has yearly exam.

How many undergraduate programmes are there in Sol?

SOL provides five undergraduate programmes, namely BA Programme, BA (H) English, BA (H) Political Science, BCom (H) and BCom. Gone are the days when the admission season at SOL meant crowded corridors, long queues and endless waiting.

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Is there any college that offers a regular degree course?

There are many colleges offering regular degree course as well as in correspondence. Some are recognized and some are not. If you do the degree course from a recognized board or university then the value is similar for both the exams.