
Can I use a 125V cord on a 220v?

Can I use a 125V cord on a 220v?

If it’s only rated up to 125v, it can’t be plugged into a 220v sockets, and it’s very likely to be damaged if you try. If you want your charger to accept it, you need a step down adapter that reduces the voltage from 220v to one.

Can I use a 125V cord on a 240v?

Yes, you could use the cable. Usually, if the cable comes with the adapter and the adapter is rated for 240v then the cable should be safe to use on that voltage.

What is the difference between 125V and 250V?

Once the fusible wire inside the fuse burns open, a 125V fuse is more prone to arc across the blown leads inside the fuse. The 250V fuse can sustain a higher voltage before it arcs over. So yes, you can use a 250V fuse in place of a 125V fuse as long as the current rating is the same.

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Is 120V compatible with 220v?

Do not plug a 120V device directly into a 220V wall socket, even if the plug shape and size are identical. Although goods sold in the U.S. but available around the world sometimes accommodate 220V voltages — iPods, for example — other devices can be destroyed by such high voltages. When in doubt, use a plug adapter.

Can I plug 125V into 120V?

2 Answers. 120v and 125v outlets are nominally identical. You must have something miswired, or you have a rare faulty unit. Be sure you have power connected to the LINE side.

Can you plug a power supply into a 220V socket?

You can always hammer a plug into a socket with a big enough hammer. Plugging a power supply ranged 110 VAC into a socket rated 220 VAC may well cook the power supply. But most computer and laptop supplies are universal (110–220 VAC input).

What voltage can a laptop run on?

Most laptops made in the past several years are universal dual 120–240V power adapters so they can run on either voltage, anywhere in-between, and actually somewhat beyond. Frequencies of 50 to 60 Hz are acceptable. You will just need an appropriate power plug adapter. You don’t need a step down transformer or the like.

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Can I use 125v cable for 240V?

If it says 125V on it then it is not certified for higher voltages. It might be ok with higher voltages, but why risk it? A new cable for 240V only cost a few $.. I just called up the store and they’re like even if the cable says 125v it’s definitely ok to use at 220v.

Is it possible to power a laptop without a power supply?

Do look at what’s written on a laptop’s power supply unit. If it is something like 110-230V then yes, you can. You only need a socket adapter. Most of the modern laptops are sold with such adapters nowadays.