
Can my employer make me pay back maternity pay?

Can my employer make me pay back maternity pay?

You can only be asked to repay occupational maternity pay if it was agreed before your leave or is stated in your employer’s maternity policy. You can also only be asked to repay any occupational (company) maternity pay over and above the amount of SMP or Maternity Allowance that you were entitled to.

Can an employer make you pay back insurance?

Yes, you have to pay back your employer for your share of the premiums if they were underpaid for any reason. Insufficient funds were taken out of your paycheck, so the company paid more than it should have for your coverage.

Do you have to pay insurance premiums while on FMLA?

The federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) requires employers to maintain group health benefits for employees who take FMLA leave. Employers who require employees to pay some portion of their health insurance premiums can continue to require employees to pay that amount while they are off work.

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What happens if I don’t return after maternity leave?

If you decide not to come back from leave, your employer has a right to seek reimbursement of any money it paid to keep your health benefits in place.

When do I have to pay back maternity pay?

If you receive contractual maternity pay and you decide not to return to your job, you only have to repay it if this was agreed in advance or specifically stated in your maternity policy or your contract. In these cases, you would only have to pay back the extra contractual pay, not the SMP part of your maternity pay.

Can an employer ask if you are returning after maternity leave?

They cannot ask if you or your spouse or partner is pregnant or planning to become pregnant, and it’s illegal to refuse to hire someone because they are pregnant or are a woman of childbearing age. They cannot ask you what you plan to do once you’ve had or adopted your baby as far as returning to work goes.

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Can you lose your insurance while on FMLA?

Conclusion. Employee-provided health coverage can be canceled during FMLA if the employee does not pay the necessary premiums and notice provisions are followed. In any case, the employer must restore medical benefits immediately when the employee returns from leave at the end of the FMLA period.

Can you lose insurance on FMLA?

Here are 8 things every employee should know about the FMLA: And you won’t lose your health insurance coverage during your leave, though you must continue to pay your employee contribution toward your insurance while you’re on leave.

How can I get paid while on maternity leave?

California employers are not required to provide paid maternity leave. But there are ways to receive money during this time. These include using accrued paid time off, state disability insurance, temporary disability pay, and the Paid Family Leave Act.