
Can oxaloacetate pass through mitochondrial membrane?

Can oxaloacetate pass through mitochondrial membrane?

Oxaloacetate (OAA) cannot cross the inner mitochondrial membrane.

What can pass through the mitochondrial membrane?

The inner membrane is freely permeable only to oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water. Its structure is highly complex, including all of the complexes of the electron transport system, the ATP synthetase complex, and transport proteins.

What is the outer mitochondrial membrane permeable to?

The mitochondrial inner and outer membranes have contrasting permeability characteristics. The outer membrane is non-specifically permeable to all low-molecular-weight solutes, whereas the inner membrane is impermeable except through specific transporters.

Why oxaloacetate Cannot cross the mitochondrial membrane?

Simply because it may not have a membrane transporter (carrier) for this substances. On the metabolic point of view, the more relevant problem is not if oxaloacetate is transported through the inner mitochondrial membrane but if the malate-aspartate shuttle system is really working in intact cell.

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How does oxaloacetate leave the mitochondria for gluconeogenesis?

Oxaloacetate is reduced to malate using NADH, a step required for its transportation out of the mitochondria. Malate is oxidized to oxaloacetate using NAD+ in the cytosol, where the remaining steps of gluconeogenesis take place.

How the outer mitochondrial membrane is different from the inner mitochondrial membrane?

As previously mentioned, mitochondria contain two major membranes. The outer mitochondrial membrane fully surrounds the inner membrane, with a small intermembrane space in between. In contrast, the inner membrane has much more restricted permeability, much like the plasma membrane of a cell.

Is outer mitochondrial membrane permeable to protons?

The outer membrane is freely permeable to protons, which allows protons to move quickly into the intermembrane space, lowering the pH of this compartment. These conditions quickly set up a proton gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane.

Can NADH cross outer mitochondrial membrane?

The mitochondrial shuttles are systems used to transport reducing agents across the inner mitochondrial membrane. NADH as well as NAD+ cannot cross the membrane, but it can reduce another molecule like FAD and [QH2] that can cross the membrane, so that its electrons can reach the electron transport chain.

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Where does ETS occur in our body cytoplasm mitochondrial matrix inner mitochondrial membrane outer mitochondrial membrane?

Answer: The electron transport system occurs in the cristae of the mitochondria, where a series of cytochromes (enzymes) and coenzymes exist. These cytochromes and coenzymes act as carrier molecules and transfer molecules.

How is oxaloacetate transported out of mitochondria?

Instead, oxaloacetate is first converted to aspartate by aspartate aminotransferase (Chapter 17) and then transported out of the mitochondria via the glutamate-aspartate translocase.