
Can RCA cable be used for subwoofer?

Can RCA cable be used for subwoofer?

Any single, standard RCA or subwoofer cable should do just fine. The other end of the cable will be plugged into the L/LFE (white) RCA jack on the back of your sub. Any cable designed for subwoofer use should be just fine.

What is the RCA output on a car amp for?

Some amplifiers will have an RCA pass through circuit which can be used to drive another amplifier in the system. For example, amplifier A would have an RCA output for amplifier B. These are sometimes filtered which has the benefits of an active crossover without the extra equipment or installation expense.

What is a preamp output on a car receiver?

Preamp outputs are jacks on the rear of a CD receiver that allow you to use a standard RCA patch cable to add an external amp. The output voltage of the receiver’s preamp outputs. Higher preamp output voltage can mean cleaner sound (better noise resistance) and higher output from your amp.

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Can I run RCA from one amp to another?

You can split RCA and connect multiple amps with it. The procedure is no difficult and you can connect two or three amps just by splitting one RCA jack. Amplifiers are used to reproduce sound by increasing the amplitude of the sound. RCA cables are connectors that help you connect between two electrical devices.

Is preamp out the same as line out?

Line out is *normally* a fixed voltage signal unaffected by the volume control. Pre-out is normally a variable signal since it is intended to be connected to a power amp, in this case adjusting the volume control adjusts the output signal level as a power amp is traditionally fixed gain.

Why do subwoofers use RCA?

An RCA cable connects a subwoofer to a receiver with an audio signal sent to the standard left, right, and center channels with a coaxial connection. A subwoofer cable typically contains the same wiring but has additional shielding added to reduce the speaker hum and provide greater sound clarity.