
Can the Stormcloaks beat the Thalmor?

Can the Stormcloaks beat the Thalmor?

Absolutely not. They would be outright slaughtered. The Thalmor and the entire Empire including Skyrim fought to a bloody stalemate bad enough that BOTH sides agreed to a breather (White Gold Concordat).

Did Morrowind fight in the Great war?

The Great War, referred to as the First War Against the Empire by the Thalmor, was a war fought from 4E 171 to 175 between the Third Empire and the Third Aldmeri Dominion.

Is there a war against the Thalmor in Skyrim?

In game it’s not possible, the Aldmeri Dominion (AKA The Thalmor) want the Civil War in Skyrim to continue as it weakens the Empire for future plans (Skyrim still being a province of the Empire) so your best bet to undermine the Thalmor is to put an end to the Civil War by joining either the Stormclocks in Windhelm or …

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Would a khajiit be imperial or Stormcloak?

Yeah khajiit could join either side, I would go for imperial simply because imperials use all races in their military and they are less racist than the nords.

Who are the bad guys in Skyrim?

Skyrim: The 13 Best Villains In The Game, Ranked

  • 13 General Tullius.
  • 12 Molag Bal.
  • 11 Arondil.
  • 10 Thonar Silver-Blood.
  • 9 Eola.
  • 8 Maven Black-Briar.
  • 7 Astrid.
  • 6 Calixto Corrium.

How did the Empire lose the Great War?

The conflict was initially fought between the invading Dominion Army and Imperial Legion in Cyrodiil and Hammerfell, before ending in 4E 175 when the White-Gold Concordat was enacted. However, Hammerfell refused the conditions of the treaty, and as a result, it was renounced from the Empire.

What happened to the empire after Skyrim?

The State of the Empire After Skyrim Black Marsh has seceded and conquered most of the remnants of Morrowind, while the Aldmeri Dominion has now overthrown Imperial rule in the Summerset Isles, Valenwood and Elsweyr.