
Can tobacco companies be socially responsible?

Can tobacco companies be socially responsible?

The tobacco industry has used corporate social responsibility tactics to improve its corporate image with the public, press, and regulators who increasingly have grown to view it as a merchant of death. The results show that the industry has made no substantial changes and in fact has continued with business as usual.

Is the tobacco industry unethical?

The tobacco industry uses a variety of unethical, often unlawful tactics to undermine implementation of life-saving policies. In 2015, the six largest cigarette companies made a profit of $9730 per each death from tobacco smoking.

How do tobacco companies encourage?

Scientific evidence shows that tobacco company advertising and promotion influences young people to start using tobacco. Adolescents who are exposed to cigarette advertising often find the ads appealing. Tobacco ads make smoking appear to be appealing, which can increase adolescents’ desire to smoke.

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Do you think tobacco companies care about social responsibility if yes justify your answer?

No tobacco companies does not care about social responsibility.

What do you think are the responsibilities of tobacco companies toward consumers?

They must maintain the pressure for bans on public smoking, higher taxes, counter-marketing, effective regulation, litigation, improved methods of cessation, and for ratification of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.

What is the evidence that tobacco control is effective?

Effective population-based tobacco control interventions include tobacco price increases, high-impact anti-tobacco mass media campaigns, and comprehensive smoke-free policies.

What tactics do tobacco companies use?

The tactics used by the tobacco industry to resist government regulation of its products include conducting public relations campaigns, buying scientific and other expertise to create controversy about established facts, funding political parties, hiring lobbyists to influence policy, using front groups and allied …

Can a cigarette company be an authentic good corporate citizen?

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Tobacco companies have jumped on the Corporate social responsibility (CSR) bandwagon as a tentative to be societally accepted as responsible actors and good corporate citizens. First, the product they sell is lethal and thus not compatible with the precondition of doing no harm to be a good corporate citizen.

Should tobacco companies be held responsible?

Tobacco companies use slick and persuasive marketing to promote their product. The individual is not to be blamed for responding to these messages and becoming hopelessly addicted to tobacco. Tobacco companies, not the smoker, should be held responsible if smoking results in disease and death.