
Can value of radius be negative?

Can value of radius be negative?

Say that the radius of the circle has value “x.” Then the circle touches the y-axis at the point (x,0). However, it also touches at the point (-x,0). The actual concept of a negative radius does not exist for an ordinary circle.

Which part of a circle is not needed to sketch its graph?

center point
In practical terms, remember that the center point, while needed, is not actually part of the circle. So, when actually graphing your circle, mark your center point very lightly. Place the easily counted values along the x and y axes, by simply counting the radius length along the horizontal and vertical lines.

How do you plot the radius of a circle on a graph?

Center away from the origin

  1. Locate the center of the circle from the equation (h, v). Place the center of the circle at (3, –1).
  2. Calculate the radius by solving for r.
  3. Plot the radius points on the coordinate plane.
  4. Connect the dots to the graph of the circle with a round, smooth curve.
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What happens if the radius is 0?

In various high school textbooks, when the radius of a circle is zero, it is said that it is a degenerate circle of zero radius. That means we’re looking at a circumference of zero radius. Consequently, only one point belongs to the circumference, which is the centre.

Can radius be negative in polar coordinates?

The ordered pair specifies a point’s location based on the value of r and the angle, θ, from the polar axis. The value of r can be positive, negative, or zero.

What does a negative radius of curvature mean?

Radius of curvature (ROC) has specific meaning and sign convention in optical design. A spherical lens or mirror surface has a center of curvature located either along or decentered from the system local optical axis. The distance from the vertex to the center of curvature is the radius of curvature of the surface.

Is it still a circle if the radius is 0?

In general, a circle with a radius of 0 is just a point.

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Can radius be zero circle?

A circle with zero radius is called a point.