
Can we book a whole theatre?

Can we book a whole theatre?

Inox Movies has announced such an offer to bring its customers back to the theatre. It has launched an offer in which a person can book a private theatre. The entire theatre can be booked for just Rs 2999 and a person can enjoy the film with friends and family.

How do you sit in a movie theater with your boyfriend?


  1. If you are planning on kissing, try getting back row seats so you don’t disturb other people in the cinema.
  2. If you want to kiss him, or have him kiss you, lean against his shoulder and look up at him.
  3. If the armrests fold up, push them up so you can cuddle with him.
  4. Most importantly, have fun.

What is a couple theater?

Comfortable seats for movies that are now sometimes 3 hours are great! If you haven’t seen this brilliant *sarcastic sigh* idea come to life in your own theater, couple seats are those that do not have a full armrest in the middle of the two seats and some have none at all. These seats also recline.

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Is it safe to go to Theatres now?

While COVID cases have certainly ebbed, and many vaccinated, there’s a lower than ever risk of transmission and virus spread. Thus, while there are definite risk factors in play, the only way theatres can become safer is by practices of frequent disinfection, proper diligence of protocols and awareness.

What is multiplex in Hotstar?

Disney+ Hotstar Multiplex Also dubbed as Hotstar Premiere Nights where the service operated only as Hotstar. The below titles are exclusively streaming on the platform forgoing their theatrical releases. Title. Premiere. Genre.

What is private screening?

Private screening refers to the screening of a commercially made film to a group of people somewhere other than one of their homes. Private screening can be legally complex, as the rules and regulations vary from country to country.