
Can we use same trimmer for private parts?

Can we use same trimmer for private parts?

Good question. Theoretically, you can use the same trimmer for your body as your face, just as you could use the same soap on your body as your face. Many body shavers have specific attachments that make it easier to reach places that are difficult to see without a mirror.

Should I use a different razor for my pubes?

For hygiene I’d recommend separate razors, especially if you shave often. On the matter of “down there”, I’ve been shaving it since my early adult years, I found the hairs to be hassle due to itching, zipper getting caught, strands of black squigglies laying around, and being a sweat zone.

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Is it bad to use the same razor for pubes and facial hair?

How bad would it really be to use one trimmer in both places? As it turns out, according to the professionals, the answers are “pretty different” and “potentially really bad.” “It comes down to transmission of bacteria,” says microbiologist and “Germ Guy” Jason Tetro.

How do I disinfect my pubic trimmer?

Clean your tools Before each use, soak your implements in a disinfectant such as Barbicide for at least 10 minutes, or clean them thoroughly with rubbing alcohol. Make sure your scissors or razors have sharp blades.

Can I trim my pubic hair with trimmer?

Trim your pubic hair While it is simple, trimming is a necessary step to getting the shave you want. Razors can only pick up short hair, so you need to trim before you shave. You can also use an electric hair trimmer that works by running a moving blade across a stationary blade.

Is it safe to use trimmer on balls?

Simply trim excess hairs carefully using the exposed trimmer with no guard. The black ceramic blade you get with BALLS safely trims the hair without any snags, leaving just a small amount of hair left – with no risk of cuts.

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Is it OK to use the same razor?

You shouldn’t share a razor with someone else due to sanitary concerns. You can get nicked or cut while shaving, and if you use someone else’s razor you are putting yourself at risk for infection — and vice versa. What’s more, you may not know how long someone else’s razor has been used.

Is it bad to use same razor?

You can get nicked or cut while shaving, and if you use someone else’s razor you are putting yourself at risk for infection — and vice versa. His or her razor could be older than you think, and shaving with a dull blade increases chances of nicks, skin irritation, razor burn and bumps.

Can you use face shaver on balls?

Apply a skin-friendly shave product Shave products for male nether regions are few, so you can use face shaving creams as long as the ingredients are gentle. Those with natural ingredients or for sensitive skin are best.

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Is it safe to use trimmer for pubic hair?

Bikini shavers and trimmers are best suited to remove pubic hair as it is specifically designed to trim the hair in the delicate area, without causing any irritations or rashes. Even though shaving removes hair from the surface, it can cause razor burns and bumps when done without proper expertise.

Is it better to trim or shave pubes?

The hair can still grow back into the skin without shaving it, but you’ll have much less likelihood of getting bumps or ingrown hairs from trimming alone. However, the shorter you trim it, the more your odds go up for getting bumps (see bump-fighting products).