
Can you appeal an other than honorable discharge?

Can you appeal an other than honorable discharge?

As long as the OTH discharge occurred within the past 15 years, vets can appeal to their branch’s Discharge Review Board by filing a DD Form 293. Older discharges would have to be reviewed by a Board for Correction for Military or Naval Records.

How do you get a military hardship discharge?

Generally, this discharge requires severe medical, psychological or financial problems in the member’s immediate family. Medical and psychological problems are termed dependency, while financial problems are described as hardship, though many military personnel use the terms interchangeably.

Can you get a dishonorable discharge for not going to drill?

WHen they boot somone for unsatisfactory participation (not going to drill) it is almost always a General because an OTH is too much work. To the OP, It cannot be a Bad Conduct Discharge or a Dishonorable as those are punitive discharges, in other words only a courts martial can impose those.

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How bad is an other than honorable discharge?

How Bad Is an OTH Discharge? An Other Than Honorable Discharge is referred to as ‘bad paper,’ and having the OTH discharge listed on your DD 214 has a lasting impression on the service member’s life. The OTH is not as bad as a punitive discharge, but service members note life-long challenges based on the distinction.

What happens if you get a other than honorable discharge?

An other than honorable discharge is an administrative discharge where your command can essentially kick you out. You sign off on it and say in lieu of court martial, et cetera. It can be for something like failing a drug test, lapses in military good order and discipline.

What qualifies as a hardship in the army?

Hardship exists when, in circumstances not involving death or disability of a member of a Soldiers family, separation from the service would materially affect the care or support of the Soldier’s family by materially alleviating undue hardship.