
Can you cite an author more than once?

Can you cite an author more than once?

In summary, every time you mention the author in a NEW paragraph, you must include the year. However, after you have ALREADY mentioned the author and the year, you do not have to continue to cite the year within the SAME paragraph.

Is it possible to over cite?

Avoid both undercitation and overcitation. Undercitation can lead to plagiarism and/or self-plagiarism. Overcitation can be distracting and is unnecessary. For example, it is considered overcitation to repeat the same citation in every sentence when the source and topic have not changed.

How do you cite an author twice?

In-Text Citations: When an author or author(s) published multiple sources in the same year, include a lowercase letter immediately following the date. Begin this lettering with “a” and continue in alphabetical order.

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How do you cite an author more than 3?

Citing Works With Three or More Authors Include only the last name of the first author, followed by “et al.” and the year published in all narrative and parenthetical citations APA. Note: The reference entry should list the names of up to 20 authors.

How many citations is too much?

Using too many references does not leave much room for your personal standpoint to shine through. As a general rule, you should aim to use one to three, to support each key point you make. This of course depends on subject matter and the point you are discussing, but acts as a good general guide.

Does common knowledge need to be cited?

So, if it’s known to educated people, or can be easily looked up, or appears in many sources, it is likely to be “common knowledge” and so does not need to be cited. …

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How do you cite a book with 5 authors?

NOTE: Although the first in-text citation for a work with three to five authors/editors includes all of the names of the authors/editors, subsequent citations include only the first author’s/editor’s surname, followed by ‘et al. ‘ and the year.

Is it bad to use the same source repeatedly?

First of all you should cite original sources. The review paper can be cited for whatever conclusions or original work stem from it, not for whatever sources it, in turn cites. In your example, citing the same sources over and over again in a single paragraph is unnecessary.