
Can you edit tweets yet?

Can you edit tweets yet?

Because deleting a tweet shouldn’t be the only option. Twitter knows sometimes you need to change your tweets after the fact. According to Twitter, this new edit-replies feature is immediately available on iOS, Android, and the web. …

How do I edit a tweet in 2021?

By tapping the three dots on the top right of your old Tweet, Twitter will present you with the usual options, but starting today, you’ll begin seeing a new option for “Change who can reply” — that’s the new one.

Can you edit a twitter moment after publishing?

Once you publish your moment, you’ll be prompted to create a tweet to promote it. Moments are easily identified by a lightning bolt icon on your tweets. You can edit, unpublish, or delete a moment at any time, but it must be the actual moment, not the tweet promoting it.

How do you edit or delete a tweet?

What To Know

  1. To delete a tweet, log in to Twitter, and select Profile. Find the tweet, press the arrow, choose Delete, and press Delete to confirm.
  2. To revise a tweet, log in to Twitter, and select Profile. Copy the text from the tweet, and delete it. Paste in a new tweet, revise, and Tweet.
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How do you correct a tweet?

Your first option to repair a typo or an embarrassing tweet is simply to repost it. As there is no edit button for now, reposting a tweet is the only way to make things right without using third-party extensions. You can simply type the whole tweet all over again.

What is Tweet Delete?

Tweet Delete is a service that started in 2011 to allow users to delete their old tweets en masse, rather than going through and deleting them one by one — a task so time consuming that many may simply choose not to bother.

Can you add tweets to moments after publishing?

Title your Moment and give it a brief description. Import Tweets to fill your Moment. You can choose how to import Tweets from the following: Tweets I’ve liked: this will show all Tweets that you’ve liked.

Can you add to twitter moments later?

Add tweets you want to include in your Moment. Remove or reorder your Twitter Moment content using the icons to the right of each added tweet. Click “Finish later” to save a draft of your Moment or “Publish” to push it live to Twitter.