
Can you get by with English in Montreal?

Can you get by with English in Montreal?

Most of Montreal is bilingual. French is first (aka preference) but English is equally acceptable. However, in Quebec as a whole French is the “FIRST” preference and many places you would be surprised as people won’t understand (or pretend) English.

What level of French do you need to work in Montreal?

French is the official language in Québec. Therefore, to become an active member of society and find work in Greater Montréal, you need to master it. That said, a knowledge of English can be an asset for some professions when job-hunting in Greater Montréal.

Can I live in Montreal if I don’t speak French?

However, this shouldn’t be a deal-breaker as there are many ways to get around the language barrier if you don’t speak French. About 65\% of Montreal’s population speaks only French but it’s important to note that 60\% of Montrealers are bilingual which makes things a lot easier for English-only speakers.

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Can I work in Québec if I don’t speak French?

Working in Québec without at least a functional level of French will be impossible in most parts of Québec. Even if you are in a city like Montreal, the majority of employers require some level of French in order to offer service to the majority of the population (French speakers).

Is it mandatory to know French in Quebec?

French language skills are not a requirement to apply. However, being able to speak French will help you gain valuable points and increase your chances of being selected. Québec also has several immigration streams based on business and investment.

Do you need to speak French in Quebec?

1. French Not Required – Quebec is a complicated province. Thanks to a quirky history, the province is a bastion of French life in North America. French is the majority and sole official language of the province and about 80\% of the population are native francophones.