
Can you get LASIK at 60 years old?

Can you get LASIK at 60 years old?

And people aged 60 and older are at a greater risk for cataracts and glaucoma, which cloud the lens of the eye and damage the optic nerve respectively. But there are plenty of people in their 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and beyond who have relatively healthy eyes and therefore may still be perfectly good candidates for LASIK.

Can people who are farsighted get LASIK?

LASIK surgery— LASIK surgery can correct farsightedness. This treatment can be used to improve near vision in your nondominant eye. According to a 2020 study published in the Journal of Refractive Surgery, LASIK is considered safe and effective for correcting age-related farsightedness.

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Does LASIK work for age related farsightedness?

While LASIK is highly effective for typical farsightedness (hyperopia), nearsightedness (myopia), or astigmatism, it may not be the best choice for people experiencing age related farsightedness due to presbyopia.

Can you have LASIK at 65?

LASIK is FDA-approved for anyone aged 18 and older. This is the only hard and fast rule when it comes to an age limit for this procedure, but since adult vision is typically at its healthiest from age 19 to 40, anyone within this range is a great candidate.

How old do you need to be to have LASIK eye surgery?

In general, the average age range for getting LASIK is between 20 and 40 years of age. The FDA has approved LASIK eye surgery for those 18 years and older, but most providers will encourage patients to wait until their mid-20s after their prescription has stabilized.

How much does LASIK cost for farsightedness?

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Laser eye surgery to treat farsightedness usually costs between $1,000 and $3,000 per eye. Surgery tends to cost more when you choose a highly experienced surgeon or live in a large city with a higher cost of living.

Can LASIK fix reading and distance?

Thanks to advances in technology, LASIK can now correct your Distance Vision OR Reading Vision or BOTH! Initially, LASIK just treated distance vision or nearsightedness. Then we could also successfully treat astigmatism.

What is the maximum age for LASIK surgery?

There is no upper age limit for LASIK candidates — only a lower age limit. LASIK is approved by the FDA for individuals over the age of 18. Most reputable LASIK surgeons won’t consult with minors considering LASIK unless there is a very compelling reason.

What is the oldest you can get LASIK?

The FDA has approved LASIK eye surgery for those 18 years and older, but most providers will encourage patients to wait until their mid-20s after their prescription has stabilized.