
Can you have citations in personal statement?

Can you have citations in personal statement?

For convenience in a personal essay, it is acceptable to cite sources—especially if you use just one or two—in numbered footnote form at the bottom of the page. However, if you have more than a few sources, a separate section entitled “References” at the end of the essay is best.

Should I include citations in statement of purpose?

Don’t. You can do it in the backgrounder of your study. Although most of the ideas on writing the SOP were results of library research, you do not cite sources in it.

How do you cite sources in NSF GRFP?

NSF GRFP citation styles

  1. Author(s)’s information: last name; first and middle initials. If there were more than six authors, I only included the first author’s information and added “et al” afterward.
  2. The abbreviated name of the journal, if it’s in a publication.
  3. The year of publication.
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How do you write a personal statement for fellowship?

The most impactful statements start out with something personal: “I chose to purse medicine when I learned about …” or “I became interested in a health care career when (a loved one) was diagnosed with …” or “I always loved science and the challenge of …”

What should you not write in a statement of purpose?

Refrain from mentioning personal, family information and situations. These are irrelevant in a SOP. Do not mention scores of your IELTS, SAT, GRE, GMAT, etc. These are your application components.

How many times can you apply to NSF GRFP?

As a graduate student, you may apply only once, and only if you have completed no more than one academic year of graduate study by August 1 of the application year (you must also meet the other eligibility requirements; see the GRFP Program Solicitation for details).

Can you apply to NSF GRFP twice?

If you have received and accepted a GRFP award, you cannot apply for a second GRFP award. If you did not notify NSF of your intention to accept or decline the fellowship by the published deadline for accepting the fellowship, you are not eligible to apply again for a GRFP award.