
Can you join SAG with ultra low budget?

Can you join SAG with ultra low budget?

Yes, it’s just a matter of who gets covered by a SAG-AFTRA contract. Under the Student Film and Ultra Low Budget Agreements, only the professional performers in the cast are covered. For non-union actors, there is no union eligibilty under the Micro-Budget, Student Film, or Ultra Low Budget Agreements.

What is a SAG-AFTRA low budget film? The Low Budget Agreement applies to those films shooting entirely within the United States with a total budget of less than $2,000,000.

How much does it cost to make a SAG short film?

The Short Project Agreement applies to those projects shooting entirely in the United States with a maximum total budget of $50,000 and a maximum total run time of 40 minutes. Note that this does not apply to episodic nor animated projects.

How do you get a SAG waiver?

SAG-AFTRA membership is available to those who work in a position covered by a SAG-AFTRA (or AFTRA or SAG) collective bargaining agreement, provided that any person qualifying through work as a background actor must have completed three (3) days of work as a background actor under a SAG-AFTRA (or AFTRA or SAG) …

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What is considered ultra low budget?

Despite having three low budget options, the SAG Ultra Low Budget Agreement only applies to films (and short films) that are $300,000 or less. While there is no weekly SAG scale for “ultra low budget” projects, the SAG day rate is $206.

How much is a SAG fitting fee?

Minimum one hour prior day fitting: $89.00. Every 15 min after first hour $22.25. Clothing compensation $20.36 (evening wear: $33.91)

How much is a SAG meal penalty?

Meal penalties begin at $25.00 per occurrence, but penalties can be higher depending on the project’s budget size and the number of consecutive infractions. If you’re working long hours, keep in mind that an additional meal period must be provided no later than six hours after the end of the first meal period.

Does central casting charge a fee?

No. Excellent! Central Casting doesn’t charge for being a part of the Casting. No charges as mandated by state law.