
Can you modify Moodle?

Can you modify Moodle?

And with mobile learning becoming an increasing trend, we want to make sure that your Moodle is meeting the needs of our users. If you click Edit next to a course section (weekly or topic) you can edit, highlight, hide or delete the topic.

What happened to Moodle?

Moodle announced in a news release Friday that it had opted to cancel its partnership with Blackboard. Blackboard followed up a few hours later with a statement asserting that it had initiated the cancellation. The story, according to executives at both companies, is slightly more complicated, and still murky.

What is an open source learning management system?

“Open source” means that anyone is guaranteed the right to access the source code and use, reuse and redistribute the software with no royalty costs. With open source LMS, there is no initial outlay on licencing costs – but you do need to consider the cost of implementation and customisation as well as ongoing support.

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How do I enable editing in Moodle?

Launch Moodle ( and open your course.

  1. In the upper right corner of the screen, click on the “gear” icon to open the course settings.
  2. On the resulting drop-down list, select the Turn editing on menu option.

Is Moodle workplace open source?

Moodle Workplace is not open source and is under a dual licencing: it is built on our open source LMS but can only be accessed via our Premium Partners.

Does anyone use Moodle?

For many organizations today, Moodle is the cornerstone of their learning program. From Moodle, they launch courses, administer quizzes, manage users, and much more. Moodle is still very popular, but this is arguably driven because of the brand and the way that they have preferred partners implementing their platform.

How do I use elearning in Moodle?

Step-by-step instructions to use Moodle

  1. Step 1 – learn about the Moodle experience.
  2. Step 2 – install Moodle.
  3. Step 3 – configure your site.
  4. Step 4 – create the framework for your learning site.
  5. Step 5 – make decisions about common settings.
  6. Step 6 – add basic course material.
  7. Step 7 – make your courses interactive.