
Can you rotate in mid air?

Can you rotate in mid air?

Physicists assure us that an object in the air that is not turning cannot start to turn. They call this the law of conservation of angular momentum. However, a person in the air can turn to face a new direction without violating the law of conservation of angular momentum. I turn in midair and face that direction.

Why do balls spin?

The ball will spin if the fingers drag up, down or across the back of the ball as it comes out of the hand, due to the tangential friction force between the ball and the fingers. However, Ex can be enhanced if the ball bounces off an elastic rather than a rigid surface, in which case the ball will spin faster.

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Why do golf balls have dimples?

Dimples on a golf ball create a thin turbulent boundary layer of air that clings to the ball’s surface. This allows the smoothly flowing air to follow the ball’s surface a little farther around the back side of the ball, thereby decreasing the size of the wake.

What is the difference between topspin and backspin?

Topspin means the ball will continue rolling forward farther. Backspin means the ball will stop rolling sooner (and maybe even roll backward a little).

Do golf balls go bad?

Golf balls can easily go bad if they are extremely scratched up. The damage taken from hitting solid objects such as trees or cart paths, even clubs repeatedly can limit the performance in terms of distance, spin, flight, and roll. Take note beginner golfers!

Why do golf drives go further than baseballs?

Terms in this set (22) Golf drives travel much farther than Major League home runs. With much lower gravity and much less air resistance, the golf ball will stay airborne longer and travel father.

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Is backspin good in tennis?

Backspin. Slice, or backspin, is used to control opponents and stop them from hitting massive topspin shots. It keeps the ball low, and is a great technique to slow the pace of a rally, so Federer will use it to counter Nadal’s high-kicking shots.

Does backspin increase range?

We found that putting greater backspin on the ball did not reduce the player’s ability to produce a high projection velocity. Throw distance increased at a rate of about 0.6 m per 1 rev/s increase in backspin, and the experimental data was consistent with the predictions of a mathematical model.